Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3034 Nie Qingru came to country m in person

Chapter 3034 Nie Qingru came to country m in person
He waited until Ye Wangchuan and Qin Si stopped talking, and then said weakly at the side: "Master Wang, is Miss Qiao going to participate in the competition? Is there anything I can do to help? If so, just talk to me Let me speak, and I will keep it beautiful for you."

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyes lightly, and treated him with a kind attitude: "No, she doesn't like to go through the back door."

"Okay." Zhang Yang shut up.

Ye Wangchuan had the best impression of him among Qin Si's group of friends, thanks to Zhang Yang's ability to behave himself, always knowing how to read words, never asking too many questions.

No one would hate this kind of person who has eyesight, knowledge and interest.

Ye Wangchuan did the same: "I got my heart."

With just such a sentence, Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, and immediately said a few polite words, but his heart was full of joy, knowing that he had done the right thing again.

Anyway, if you want to curry favor with Master Wang, just think about Miss Qiao sincerely!

Don't worry about anything else.

In front of these big bosses, he knew that he was not smart enough, so whether he got along well with Qin Si, Ye Fanchuan, or Qiao Nian, Zhang Yang would show his heart and act with sincerity. ...

He has indeed gained a firm foothold in the small circle by relying on his eyesight, and the further he goes, the better.

Zhang Yang didn't mention to Ye Wangchuan and Qin Si that he privately helped Qiao Nian to teach Fu Ge a lesson, but proposed to go out to buy vegetables and make hot pot at home at night.

In the past two days, the M country on the other side of the ocean has fallen out because of the black club.

Nie Qixing was brought back to the police station to cooperate with the investigation since the day before yesterday, and he was locked up for three days and three nights, during which time someone came to talk to him from time to time.

Every time he had to pull himself together to deal with it.

Anyway, he refused to let go, he didn't know anything when he asked, and asked to be handed over to his lawyer.

This is also a common method in their circle.

It's just that this time, evidence about his participation in black clubs for profit was flying all over the ins, and there were protests outside, and the police couldn't let him go.

The two sides stalemate for three full days, and finally Nie Qingru arrived in country m by plane.

The plane landed at the airport.

After getting off the plane, she didn't immediately go to see Nie Qixing who was locked up, but went straight to the Nie family's headquarters in a car.

The Nie family has a higher status than the royal family in country m.

It's just that the royal family is pushed in front of the public, and everyone knows its existence.

Families like the Nie family are hidden in the long river of history, with only sporadic fragments recording their existence and their powerful influence.

The gold-painted carved iron gates opened from both sides, and a black Lincoln drove in from the middle, slowly driving into the majestic and magnificent manor.

The people of the Nie family had heard that she was coming, and the servants stood on both sides with their hands down, respectfully waiting for the car to stop steadily, and saying hello to those who got out of the car.

"Hello Miss."

The sound of dozens of people rushing together is very spectacular.

Nie Qingru supported the hand of the shadow, but walked past these people expressionlessly. The wide brim of her hat obliquely covered most of her face, and she could only see the scarlet lipstick on her smear and the cold pale complexion on her neck.

After she goes in.

Those servants standing at the door dared to quietly raise their heads to peek at her back.

Nie Qingru's back was as straight as a pine, and the aura of the back alone was overwhelming.

In the Nie family villa.

But everyone from the Nie family who can be ranked well has come.

Everyone dressed up and waited for the arrival of the biggest background backer in the family, and everyone gathered together.

(End of this chapter)

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