Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3046 Master Wang has always been a kind-faced and cruel master

Chapter 3046 Master Wang has always been a kind-faced and cruel master

Fortunately, Ye Wangchuan grew up in the top circle, and he has heard a lot of these false words, so he dealt with them very naturally.

"She's busy too, let's talk about it when she's done."


Jiang Zongnan said: "Niannian she recently..."

Ye Wangchuan didn't give him a chance to finish, he took out an invitation card from his body and handed it to the man, said in a gentle yet oppressive way: "You are Nian Nian's second uncle, no matter how old Jiang is, Or under Uncle Jiang's name, I hope you can attend Niannian's birthday party then."

Holding the invitation card, Jiang Zongnan felt mixed feelings.

He understood that what he meant was not that he wanted to invite him, but that he didn't want to cause too much embarrassment for the sake of Mr. Jiang and the others.

He looked up, just about to promise that he would go.

Ye Wangchuan's voice changed, and he said indifferently: "Mr. Jiang, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I hope that you and Mr. Ling will come over when the time comes. After all, that day is a happy day, and people who have nothing to do with it should not be present."

Jiang Zongnan retracted his words, his eyes were embarrassing and dodged, and he couldn't answer the words for a while.

Tang Wanru reacted quickly, her face turned into a pig liver color, her ears were on fire, and she immediately said angrily: "Hehe, who cares about eating her meal! Don't worry, even if you invite me to go, I won't go." will go!"

Jiang Zongnan frowned, and quickly gave her a hand to make her talk less.While testing the wording: "But suddenly there are no people at home, people will say..."

The gossip is not over yet.

He was interrupted by Ye Wangchuan calmly: "Mr. Jiang, I hope you understand my attitude."

Jiang Zongnan was so embarrassed that he couldn't look him in the eyes anymore, so he nodded and agreed, "I understand."

"Then I won't bother you." Ye Wangchuan unbuttoned his suit, smiled very ironically, turned and walked outside.

Jiang Zongnan originally wanted to offer to send him off, but Ye Wangchuan declined politely.

Jiang Zongnan had no choice but to stay in the office resentfully, watching the man leaving gracefully, walked back to the desk, put the invitation on the table, and sighed silently.

Tang Wanru was still immersed in the humiliation of Ye Fanchuan's direct refusal to let her go, she gritted her teeth and said to herself: "Does she think I want to go? It's a joke! No one cares about going. Even if she asks me to go, I won't go." !"

"Do you not understand your situation?" Jiang Zongnan put his hands on the table and heard that she was still angry, so he couldn't help asking her.

Tang Wanru was indignant, suppressing her anger: "What do you mean?"

Bitterness appeared on Jiang Zongnan's face, and he said slowly: "Nian Nian's birthday party is the biggest event in Beijing recently, but all the friends who are close friends with the Ye family or Nian Nian will receive invitations, and the old relatives who come and go at home will also receive invitations. Invited. If you don't show up at the banquet, do you know what it means?"

Tang Wanru was able to establish a foothold in the Jiang family for many years, and she was not an idiot who didn't know anything. She immediately realized it, and her face gradually turned pale.

Once she doesn't appear on this occasion, it means...

Jiang Zongnan said: "It means that Ye Wangchuan told everyone that you are not the person he approves of. With this influence in Beijing, you will soon be excluded from this circle. Those people who played with you this afternoon are not I will talk to you again, and you just quietly disappeared in the social circle of Beijing..."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion that this is the son and brother cultivated by the top famous family.

Ye Wangchuan is completely the type who kills without blinking an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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