Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3047 Nie Qingru insists on making trouble on sister nian's birthday

Chapter 3047 Nie Qingru insists on making trouble on sister nian's birthday
He never made a scene, but one action, one sentence may be enough to drive a person to death!
He couldn't bear it at first, thinking that Tang Wanru would be Jiang Yao and Jiang Li's biological mother at worst, and tried to plead for mercy, but he was thinking too much.

They didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence, they just warned him to recognize his identity.

Jiang Zongnan looked at Tang Wanru's absent-minded state of supporting herself on the table, and shook his head. He couldn't help her even if he wanted to, so he could only sigh.

end of the month.

It's Qiao Nian's birthday.

She stayed up all night to send the revised arrangement to Nie Mi's mailbox, went to take a shower by herself, and just fell into bed for three hours when she was woken up by a call from country M.

Qiao Nian didn't even open her eyes, she reached out to touch the phone and placed it next to her ear, and said in a dry voice, "Hello."

Guan Yan's voice came from the other end: "Boss, you haven't woken up yet."

The girl who had just slept for three hours opened her eyes and barely sat up from the bed. Her half-closed eyelids showed that she was tired from not sleeping all night, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Qiao Nian rubbed her face, regained consciousness a little bit, and asked her, "What are you calling me for?"

"Would you like to go online?" Guan Yan suggested.

Qiao Nian looked up and saw the computer that had been used last night and hadn't been turned off, got up and walked over: "What's wrong?"

"Look at ins first, there is a live broadcast on it." Guan Yan hesitated to speak: "You will know after watching it."

Qiao Nian held the phone in one hand, tapped the lock screen of the computer with the other hand, and quickly opened the ins, did not log in, and entered directly as a tourist.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered, I saw the hottest live broadcast automatically pushed by ins.

She clicks on the video.

Shoot blurry video just looking at a familiar place.

I saw that Guan Nie Qixing's police station was surrounded by layers of luxury cars, and the reporters couldn't get in.

There were still crowds of onlookers outside, all pointing and pointing inside.

The person who made this video was excitedly introducing: "It is said that the queen of the hidden family will be here soon. This is the first time that the hidden family has appeared in the public eye. Let us witness this mysterious family and the people behind it. Helmsman!"

"The royal family came forward this time to use the royal immunity to exempt the judicial department from indicting Nie Qixing, and Nie Qixing's identity has also been recognized by the royal family. Will the youngest scientist in history become the heir of a mysterious family, will he take revenge on those who reported him? ?”

The barrage has everything said, most people are shocked + floating screen shit!

Qiao Nian didn't watch for a long time, and saw a black Lincoln driving to the scene in a low-key manner in the video, and then Nie Qixing came out in a suit. He looked as gentle and gentle as ever, and it was completely impossible to see that he would get involved in the trafficking of women and children.

At the same time, the Lincoln car rolled down the window, and the profile of a well-maintained old woman appeared in the camera, but the camera was too far away to see the person's specific appearance clearly.

But no one can imitate that fierce nobility.

Nie Qingru!
Qiao Nian half-closed her eyes, picked up the mug beside the table and took a sip of water to moisten her throat: "You just want to tell me this."

Guan Yan said apologetically: "I know today is your birthday, so I didn't want to bring you bad luck. But after thinking about it, Nie Qixing came out, so I should at least tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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