Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3055 She Said Feng Yu Is An Ordinary Person

Chapter 3055 She Said Feng Yu Is An Ordinary Person
He represents the position of Ji Qing.

When Ye Wangchuan found him, he told him about his plan, and Ji Nan immediately agreed without hesitation.

"...He wants to make up for the 19th birthday you missed." Ji Nan clicked his tongue, a little sour but still agreed: "I have to say, it's very meaningful for him to prepare like this."

Like Jiang Li, he was actually not very happy with Ye Fanchuan's behavior of robbing his sister, but on the other hand, as a man, he admired Ye Fanchuan's behavior of silently making up for Qiao Nian's shortcomings. French black.

Xie Tingyun walked up to Qiao Nian, stretched out his hand to touch her fine hair, his eyes were as gentle as a mother's, and whispered: "Happy birthday, Nian Nian."

Qiao Nian has never been an emotional person, and at this moment she was a little dazzled by the light, her chest felt sore, and she couldn't tell what she felt.

It's not that I want to cry, it's just...indescribably complete.

"Thank you." She tried her best to control her voice, but the hoarseness still betrayed her mood at the moment.

Feng Yu smoothed things over and pushed the cake over: "20 years old, a good age, young, come and blow out the candles."

This one-and-a-half-meter-high cake looks grand and beautiful layer by layer, with 20-year-old birthday candles stuck on it.

"Nian Nian, make a wish." Qiao Nian was still distracted when a man's deep and smiling voice came from beside him.

Qiao Nian could see him when she raised her eyes.

He stood under the light, his eyes reflecting the light, which became the best scenery she saw today.

Qiao Nian pursed her lower lip and walked over, bowed her head and blew out the candle.

At this time, the lights of the scene were all turned on.

Everyone in the banquet hall saw Xie Tingyun, Feng Yu and others clearly.

Master Cheng and Ye Maoshan are the ones who recognize Feng Yu and the others at a glance. Of course, there are also those who haven't seen much in the world and can't get in touch with this level at all.

For example, at the table of relatives in the Jiang family, my cousin pouted, raised her chin to signal to the people around her in the stands, and said disdainfully: "Who are those people? Why haven't I seen them in Beijing? That old man looks very ordinary. I thought she was surrounded by friends who just gave away an island, but I didn't expect there to be such... normal people."

She held back for a long time before she could squeeze out the adjective.

In her eyes, Guan Yan is an abnormal person.

The old man who is standing with Qiao Nian now looks like a normal person, at least he is not a friend who sounds rich.

Jiang Yao was also arranged at this table. He was watching Feng Yu and the others from a distance, and heard Yuan Qing expressing emotion there.

He withdrew his gaze, couldn't help but look at Yuan Qing and sneered: "You say he's ordinary?"

The cousin's grandma was dumbfounded, quite unconvinced: "Ah, I'm not wrong. He looks very ordinary."

Jiang Zongnan ignored her, and instead asked Jiang Yao, "Do you know that person?"

Jiang Yao shook his head and smiled wryly: "Me? I don't even know each other."

He is not qualified to know others.

However, Jiang Yao still said to Jiang Zongnan: "The more ordinary people around Qiao Nian, the more extraordinary they are."

Jiang Zongnan savored this sentence carefully, and felt that what he said made sense. He looked in the direction of the main table again, with a little sense of loss in his eyes.

He used to be the guest at that table, until he indulged his wife and daughter again and again, and finally had a falling out with his elder brother's family.


Jiang Zongnan is still lost.

There was a commotion outside.

(End of this chapter)

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