Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3056 Sister Nian: I have received the best gift

Chapter 3056 Sister Nian: I have received the best gift
Ye Wangchuan also noticed the noise at the door, raised his eyes slightly, and told Gu San: "Go and see what's going on?"

"Yes, my lord."

Gu San immediately walked outside.

Seeing him go over to deal with it, Ye Wangchuan tilted his head and said to the girl: "I asked Gu San to go over and have a look, it should be a small problem."

The historical background of the Peace Hotel meant that it was not a place where anyone could come and make trouble, so he chose this place to celebrate Joe's birthday.

Qiao Nian only glanced at the door, then looked away, pulled down the brim of the peaked cap with a slender hand, and asked him casually, "You didn't prepare a gift?"

Seeing her black hair falling down to cover her brow bone, Ye Wangchuan gently brushed it away for her, his movements were gentle and tender, his eyes filled with affection and a smile: "Want a gift?"

Qiao Nian opened her mouth: "Not really... Actually, I have received the best gift today."

"Huh?" Ye Wangchuan raised his eyes slightly, and was about to speak.

The noise outside became louder and louder.

"I want to see Qiao Nian."

"I said, I want to see her in person!"

"No, I was entrusted by someone, and I must deliver this to her!"

The speaker's voice was loud and full of air, with a mouthful of broken Chinese that was not very fluent. It could be heard that he was not from Beijing.

His attention was attracted by the sound outside, the tenderness and smile in his eyes faded away, his calmness was like a cold pool, and his black eyes were filled with coldness.

Gu San came back in a hurry: "Master Wang, the man outside insisted on seeing Ms. Qiao, and said he would deliver the gift to me, but he didn't agree with me when I said to forward it to him."

"Tch." Ye Wangchuan turned cold, and only said: "He doesn't know what occasion it is today? Are you here to make trouble?"

There is also a sentence "I want to die" that I didn't say.

Today is Qiao Nian's birthday, he didn't want to say these unlucky words, and he didn't want to add black spots to her future memories on this kind of day.

Qiao Nian was keenly aware of something at this moment, and walked up to Gu San: "That person has a special identity?"

"How do you know?" Gu San raised his head in surprise, and immediately reacted, faltering: "It's not very special, it's just... I didn't expect him to come here."

Qiao Nian seemed to have guessed someone, Lu Zhi.

She reacted lightly, restrained and surly, calmly said to Gu San: "Let him come over."

"Uh..." Gu San was still hesitating, mainly observing Ye Wangchuan's expression, wondering whether he should let him in or not.

Ye Wangchuan really let her do everything, without waiting for Gu San to ask, he raised his hand to let him go: "Go."


"What's going on outside?" Elder Ye also noticed the unrest between Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan, especially Gu San who walked back and forth twice.

He frowned, lowered his voice and said to Ye Lan: "No one will make trouble!"

Ye Lan was also very worried, but she was still quite relieved, shaking her head: "Probably not... the place that Wang Chuan booked, and the things he arranged, never went wrong since childhood."


Mr. Ye regained his composure, looked sideways coldly and said, "Whoever dares to make trouble today, I will be the first to let you go!"

Ye Lan appeased and patted his hand: "Let's have a look first."


The table of Jiang's relatives was also boiling.

Jiang Zongnan was asking Jiang Yao: "Do you know what happened outside?"

Jiang Yao also looked confused, shaking his head at him: "I don't know."

Jiang Zongnan was still worried that someone would cause trouble: "Do you think Nian Nian's enemies came to her? Her usual withdrawn personality will inevitably offend others."

(End of this chapter)

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