Chapter 3057 Are You Qiao Nian?
"Dad, you forgot that Ye Shao and Ye Lao are still there. Besides, Qiao Nian's witnesses are not easy to mess with."

Jiang Yao didn't say, 'Few people dare to play tricks on this occasion'!
While the two were talking, they saw Gu San leading someone in.

Walking behind Gu San was an old man in his 7s, wearing a black gown with auspicious clouds embroidered with gold thread on the collar and cuff buttons.

He has a pair of hanging eyes, messy eyebrows, and the iconic green pupils are not so bright with age, but there is a sharp edge accumulated over the years.

The old man walked like a dragon, followed behind Gu San, facing hundreds of tables of dignitaries and celebrities in the banquet hall, he didn't even blink his eyes, and his contented attitude showed that he was an unusual person.

Feng Yu just heard Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan talking.

When he saw the old man coming in, he was shocked for a moment on his calm and reserved face, and said in an extremely surprised tone, "Smith? He's not dead?"

Xie Tingyun saw clearly that the old man who came in was also surprised: "Why did he come here?"

"..." Ji Nan narrowed his eyes, not knowing the identity of the old man, he just stared vigilantly at the person who came in, ready to stand up for Qiao Nian at any time.

Soon, the old man in black walked in front of everyone.

He looked around the crowd and landed on the girl wearing a peaked cap, looking very curious: "You are Qiao Nian?"

He wore a leather sleeve on his left arm, and squatted on his arm was an eagle with golden pupils and bright eyes. After the old man stopped, the eagle actually moved. Taku combed his feathers.

"That eagle! That eagle is actually alive!" Someone below was shocked when they saw the eagle's head move, and excitedly shared it with the people around them.

"I saw it too."

"Live eagle."

Mr. Ye's table was closer, and he could see more clearly how majestic and majestic the eagle was standing on the old man's left arm.

At this moment, he couldn't help admiring: "That's Hai Dongqing."

Ye Lan had heard of Hai Dongqing's name, looked at the eagle, a little bit in disbelief: "He actually tamed this thing?"

Haidongqing is the most violent kind of eagle, which can die but cannot be tamed. Even the top falconer who is still alive can hardly tame Haidongqing in his whole life.

Qiao Nian saw that the eagle on the old man's arm had confirmed who he was, and the string on the back of his head was successfully pulled, and he walked over: "It's me."

She didn't talk nonsense with the old man, she said concisely: "Did Lu Zhi ask you to come?"

The old man in black saw that she was indeed the person he was looking for, and he guessed his purpose very cleverly, and praised: "Yes, I was indeed entrusted by Mr. Lu to give a birthday present."

He handed the box over.

Qiao Nian reached out to take it.

Lu Zhi's style of giving gifts has always been very special, that is, how simple and simple the packaging should be. Basically, it is packed in a box, and sometimes there is no box, and they are simply packed in a paper bag or a cowhide bag for her.

Qiao Nian looked at the gift in his hand, which was rare this time, and wrapped the gift in a box. When he opened the lid, he saw the hand-carved eagle totem inside.

The totem is purely made of sterling silver, and it is engraved with lifelike Costinus. Costin's feathers are clearly visible. The most amazing thing is the eagle's eyes. The black diamonds are beautifully cut.

The light shone on the eagle's eyes, and the eagle on the totem seemed to come alive, with piercing eyes, just like the sea dongqing standing on the old man's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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