Chapter 3058 Gift from Lu Zhi

"Mr. Lu said that he didn't know what to give you this year, so he thought of giving you this. The eagle symbolizes freedom, bravery, strength, victory, and implies the spirit of going forward bravely, as well as blood..."

"Mr. Lu said that there will be times when the eagle hits the sky. He believes that what you want to do will be accomplished one day."

Qiao Nian looked at the exquisite totem in the box, and the sea dongqing that the old man wanted to give her, and her voice was soft and slow, very faint.

Return the things to him: "I have received the intention, but I don't want the things."

The old man in black didn't understand very much. He avoided his hand and didn't intend to accept it. His face changed slightly, and his mouth was very strong: "The things I sent out haven't been taken back yet!"

At this time, someone at the table at the Nine Institutes recognized him.

Master Cheng was still thinking about why this person looked so familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

He just remembered seeing the old man pull his face down, and immediately said to Bao Jingxing excitedly: "It's Smith! This person is Smith."

Bao Jingxing pushed the gold-rimmed glasses, his eyes were full of doubts: "Who is Smith?"

Master Cheng withdrew his hand, his expression was not as excited as before, and his expression became complicated: "He is one of the black weapon making masters who are still alive in the world, and he hasn't shown his face for several years. There are rumors that he may be dead. I didn't expect that he was not only alive but also appeared on Qiao Nian's birthday."

He has seen too many characters who only exist in legends today.

For example, Feng Yu and Xie Tingyun.

Another example is the black weapon master he just recognized.

"This person is both righteous and evil, neither a good person nor a bad person." Master Cheng did not particularly admire him, but only respected the other party's achievements in the professional field.

Hearing what he said, Bao Jingxing probably understood the identity of the visitor, so he showed a thoughtful expression, propped his chin with his hand, and curled his thin lips with interest: "It seems that Wang Ye is a very powerful rival in love."

"What did you say?" Master Cheng didn't know the young man's gossip, so he was baffled.

Bao Jingxing was very measured in doing things, he didn't pull Master Cheng to talk about other people's privacy behind his back, he just shook his head with a smile and said, "It's nothing, I'll just talk about it."

He went on to say: "Others have given such a big gift, I don't know what gift Wang prepared for his girlfriend."

At this age, Master Cheng was no longer interested in these things, so he stared at the old man in black with scorching eyes.

It was Smith who came to give the gift!

Just when Qiao Nian was in a stalemate with the old man in black.

There was another noise at the door.

"What day is it today? Why do people keep coming?"

"Who is it this time?"

There was a commotion in the banquet hall.

Everyone was discussing and whispering to each other, looking at the people who came in from the outside.

It was an old man who came in this time.

But this time it wasn't an old man who came in, but a pair of gray-haired old couples. They walked in side by side, with loving smiles on their faces.

Both of them were plainly dressed and didn't hold anything in their hands, so they looked really inconspicuous.

But Master Cheng, who had just recognized Smith, could still sit on his own seat, but seeing the old couple coming in, they couldn't stop their trembling shoulders, and stood up abruptly: "Mr. Qian?!"

He was far away, and although he was trembling with excitement, his voice was trembling and he couldn't control the volume.

But except for two or three tables near them, most people didn't hear him speak.

The table on the left side of the Jiusuo is the table of Jiang's relatives. Jiang Yao saw that Master Cheng, who has always been known for his seriousness and staidness, stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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