Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3067 Don't be a garbage that I can throw away casually

Chapter 3067 Don't be a garbage that I can throw away casually
There was a sound of a magnetic card clicking in at the door.

Shadow walked up to her with Nie Qixing who had just been picked up, and said respectfully: "Queen, I brought Young Master Nie back."


Nie Qingru personally went to the police station this morning, but she only showed her face in the car, which was a disguised acknowledgment of Nie Qixing's identity in public.

She herself didn't wait until Nie Qixing finally came out and left.

After Nie Qixing came out of the police station, Yingying took him home, took a shower, changed his clothes, cleaned up a bit, and then brought him to see Nie Qingru.

Nie Qing was still immersed in Qiao Nian's words at this moment, and he didn't look good at Nie Qixing, who caused her a lot of trouble, and didn't even bother to raise his eyelids: "Tell me, what else are you hiding from me."

Nie Qixing stood in front of her and held his breath. A few days of trips to the police station had made him a lot thinner, and his face was haggard and tired. Fortunately, he inherited Nie Qingru's excellent genes, and he had a good skin, although he was not as good as Ye Fangchuan. Outstanding, even among ordinary people it can be considered elegant.

He quickly observed Nie Qingru's face, seeing that the other party didn't even look at him, Nie Qingru was flustered and at the same time sour and humiliated.


"What do you want to do?" Nie Qingru finally raised his eyes to look at him, but there was no warmth in his eyes, only business-like indifference: "Are you short of money or people? Ever since I was young, I have never given you anything you want. I only ask you Apart from being low-key and dormant, your treatment is no worse than that of anyone in the Nie family, even higher than your nephew! I gave you a distinguished status, and I only ask you to do what I say, is it so difficult?"

The nephew she mentioned was the son of the elder brother Nie Tao.

If she hadn't made an agreement with Mrs. Nie, according to the order of succession, the Nie family would be inherited by Nie Wenyan, not her younger brother Nie Qixing.

Nie Qingru raised her black eyebrows, and there was an unstoppable murderous aura in her body, which made people dare not get close to her easily.

She stared at the silent man, and asked forcefully, "Tell me, what do you want those girls for?"

The atmosphere in the living room was so condensed that even the shadow couldn't breathe. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked in Nie Qixing's direction.

Nie Qixing just clenched his fists, but kept silent about the reason.

Nie Qingru waited for a few minutes. Seeing that he refused to say anything, she seemed a little disappointed, and closed her eyes: "It's fine if you don't say anything, and I don't want to know."

"Listen well, I don't care what shady business you have been involved in without telling me. From now on, stop it all for me!" Her eyes became cold, and only an imperative tone remained.

"I want a flawless successor, not a piece of rubbish. If you can't do this, I can change at any time. You are not my only choice."

"..." Nie Qixing suddenly looked up at her, as if he didn't expect her to say such a thing so easily.

It's as if the relationship of more than thirty years is not worth mentioning in her eyes. He is just a chosen puppet and cannot have his own thoughts. Otherwise, he will disobey her and only have the fate of being abandoned.

The feeling suffocated him.

Nie Qixing didn't dare to show it, so he could only force himself to lower his head abruptly, reticent.

Nie Qingru's words shocked even the shadow, and whispered: "Empress, you..."

"Don't call me!"

Nie Qingru was stimulated by Qiao Nian on the phone before, and now she had a migraine attack again. She had a headache. Her tone was not good, and she didn't want to continue talking to them: "I'm tired, you go out."

(End of this chapter)

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