Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3068 Ms. Nie, you are not qualified to order me to do things

Chapter 3068 Ms. Nie, you are not qualified to order me to do things
It was quiet in the suite.

Nie Qingru found the medicine she wanted to take from the drawer, poured out two pills from it, and drank it with red wine.

The medicine developed by the Pharmacy Association is much more effective than the medicines sold in the market outside. After taking the medicine, she rested on the sofa for 10 minutes. …

Nie Qingru gathered up her shawl, picked up her cell phone again, and dialed a phone number.

It took ten seconds for the other end to pick up, and the other party did not speak.

Nie Qingru got up nonchalantly, and walked to the study room, with big pale green ghostly eyes, sparse black eyelashes, and a bit of chilling beauty: "Ji Lingfeng is in your hands?"

There was no reply.

She said coldly, "How long do you want to wait if you don't do it?"

After she finished speaking, someone finally paid attention to her over there.

The young man's voice was wrapped in the night breeze of the illegal area, and he couldn't hear any emotion: "Ms. Nie, you made a mistake. I am not your subordinate. You are not qualified to order me to do things..."

Nie Qingru seemed to know that he would say that, but she didn't get angry. An elusive mist appeared in her eyes, and she pulled her red lips and smiled: "Oh, I didn't expect you to be a seed of infatuation."

"It's a pity that it's useless for you to like her, she doesn't like you. Compared with Ye Fanchuan, you are just a cripple! If we cooperate, you still have a chance to win her. If you continue like this, you will only watch her leave you further and further…"

"It's not your turn to teach me how to do things." Lu Zhi's voice sank an inch, still maintaining the clarity he should have: "It's just that you have time to take care of your successors."

His one sentence hit Nie Qingru's life.

"The successors you have worked so hard to cultivate are not so good."

Nie Qingru's complexion changed suddenly, and his eyes turned cold: "It has nothing to do with you."

"I'm curious, why did you kill your own daughter and choose to cultivate such a thing, don't you regret it?" Lu Zhi seemed to have the magic power to read people's hearts.

Wherever it hurts, she poked hard.

Nie Qingru couldn't laugh anymore, pushed open the door of the study, walked straight to the back of the desk, held the mobile phone in one hand, and warned: "Lu Zhi, you'd better not provoke me. You are different from her, she is not afraid of barefoot Wearing shoes, you still have Tianchen, Tianchen has been cooperating with the Yinshi family, it is not good for you or Tianchen if you irritate me! You are a businessman, and a businessman should put his interests first, just like you did before."


Tianchen headquarters in the illegal area.

The top floor of the towering skyscraper is an oversized circular office. The whole office is dominated by white. Except for a few bottles of green plants, there are no other decorations here. The only thing that looks empty is a sofa for reception and a desk.

Apart from that, the most impressive thing about the office is the carpet that can be seen everywhere.

The expensive and soft Persian rugs are spread all over the floor as if they cost nothing.

The important things on the bookshelves are not placed high, and everything here seems to be for the convenience of someone.

Lu Zhi sat behind the desk, holding the internal phone in one hand. There was a pile of documents on the table in front of him, and the pile of documents was as high as a hill.

In front of him was a document that he had only half-read. It was the approval of a joint scientific research project with Tsinghua University, and the blank space at the bottom had not yet been signed.

(End of this chapter)

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