Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3081 Sister Nian refused mercilessly

Chapter 3081 Sister Nian refused mercilessly
The more he looked at it, the more he felt confused, especially when he thought of his family's stinky boy who had been lazy and smoked all year round, with a poisonous and smelly mouth, and looked at the bright boy in front of him.

Mr. Ye felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, he opened his mouth, but he couldn't get rid of his old face to stop the young man from asking for a phone call.

Just when he was fidgeting, Qiao Nian's long eyelashes fluttered, and his white hands pulled off his peaked cap, refusing very directly.

"Sorry, I don't call people casually."

"Eh..." The boy probably didn't expect to be rejected.

After all, he has been excellent in studies since he was a child, he is not bad in appearance, and his family conditions are very good. He has been surrounded by many little fans since he was a child.

When he came to the Civil Engineering Department of Tsinghua University, he was not overwhelmed by the world of top academics, and he still shined in the basketball club with his excellent motor nerves.

Very few girls can refuse his approach.

He thought for a while, and said persistently: "Don't need a phone call, just give me a WeChat. Don't worry, junior, I won't disturb you after I add it, just add a contact information..."

Qiao Nian has never been a patient person, but because everyone is alumni, she patiently rejected him.

Seeing that the other party was ungrateful and took her polite refusal as a room for bargaining, he frowned impatiently, staring at his face with black eyes like hooks: "I don't add strangers to my WeChat either."

The boy was indeed a little bit embarrassed, mainly because there were several juniors watching behind him.

He gritted his teeth: "QQ is also fine."

Qiao Nian didn't expect to reject him twice, but he still refused to let go, so he sat upright and squinted his eyes: "Is there something wrong with you insisting on adding me?"

She has too much aura.

The boy couldn't bear it anymore, and his momentum was half-short: "No, it's okay, I just want to add a contact information, and we can chat later."

"No, I have a boyfriend." Qiao Nianyan glanced at him concisely.

"..." On the boy's blushing neck, the whole person was as embarrassed as boiled shrimp. He wished he could dig out three rooms and one living room under his feet, and he was too embarrassed to show his face here again.

So he could only touch his head and apologize to Qiao Nian: "Sorry, I don't know."

Qiao Nian didn't humiliate him this time.

He himself knew that he was too annoying just now, so he said cautiously: "I, I won't disturb you, I'll go there first."

This time he didn't have the nerve to stay any longer, nodded to Mr. Ye, and went back to his table without looking back.

Mr. Ye breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that he would encounter the same situation if he stayed any longer, so he said to Qiao Nian, "Nian Nian, let's go now. Do you want to sit down for a while?"

"No more."

Qiao Nian got up after him, took her things, and called the clerk to pay the bill.

Old Man Ye was going to rush to give the money, but Qiao Nian didn't let him, and he didn't compete with Qiao Nian because he didn't see much money.

After Qiao Nian swiped WeChat payment, the two walked out of the store one after another.

Only then did Old Man Ye feel relieved, called the driver to come over, and said to Qiao Nian, "Are you going back with me or...?"

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

Qiao Nian looked at his phone, remembered the message he had received, and said apologetically to Mr. Ye, "I still need to find a friend."

Mr. Ye knew that she had many 'good friends' by her side, so he didn't ask which friend it was, and said smoothly, "I'll ask the driver to take you there."

(End of this chapter)

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