Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3082 Someone secretly took pictures of sister Nian

Chapter 3082 Someone secretly took pictures of sister Nian
Qiao Nian just put the hoodie on her head, and the brim of the peaked cap just covered her cold chin. With the hoodie on, she looked more low-key and cooler, and she was about to reject Old Master Ye's kindness.

The driver has already brought the car over.

Qiao Nian really couldn't hold him back, so he had to let him give her a ride.

"Just put me down in Lanting."

Lanting is a relatively well-known private club in Beijing. Ye Maoshan himself has been there several times and knows that this is a place that the younger generation likes to go to.

So he told the driver: "Go to Lanting first, and then send me back."

"Okay, Mr. Ye."

The driver turned the steering wheel, and the low-key Mercedes-Benz drove steadily in the direction of Lanting, and in a blink of an eye there was only the rear of the car.


Before, Qiao Nian was in the shop where they drank water.

On the rectangular table with seven or eight men and women on their left, someone raised his mobile phone and suddenly said, "I took a picture of Qiao Nian and that old man."

The others looked at him in surprise.

He triumphantly stretched out his mobile phone for everyone to see: "I took several pictures, and this angle can better capture the faces of the two of them clearly."

"In addition to this, I also took a picture of the car." He slid his finger down, motioning for everyone to see: "Even the license plate number is clearly taken, awesome!"

A girl with chestnut curly hair frowned after seeing the photo, with disdain and disgust on her beautiful face: "Why did you take this picture? You don't want to post it on the Internet, do you?"

"Why not?" The boy put away his phone, not letting others see it, and said unhappily, "What is she dragging, we just want a contact information, if you don't give it to me, just give it a fake one. , Why do people not get off the stage! Besides, I have no malicious intentions, if the old man is her relative, this is just a photo of a chance encounter. "

What he said implied that Qiao Nian had an improper relationship with Mr. Ye.

His foul-smelling behavior shocked and disgusted everyone present.

It's just that everyone is just a classmate, and it's hard for anyone to say anything.

Only the girl with chestnut curly hair was the most upright. After listening to it, she snorted coldly, and immediately said, "You didn't maliciously take pictures of others. What are you doing? Sister Qiao has won a lot of glory for the school. Although everyone is not in the same department, you have to treat others. Do you have such a big malice? Or do you mean that you can't see that others are better than you, and you are envious of them, so you secretly want to do small tricks to discredit others!"

"Zhang Li, what you said is too ugly!" The skinny monkey-like boy slapped the table angrily and got up, pointing at the chestnut curly-haired girl who was excited to do it: "Please explain to me clearly, what is my jealousy?" ? You didn't make it clear that today is not over!"

Everyone else went to pull him.

"Forget it, why are you arguing?"

"Everyone is a community, don't quarrel."


Seeing that everyone around him was pulling him, the skinny monkey boy persuaded him, not only accepting him if he didn't get well, but even more energetic and persistent.

"Don't even think about leaving if she doesn't explain clearly to me today!"

"Who cares about you?"

The girl with chestnut curly hair picked up her bag and got up to leave.

The others hurriedly stopped the boy who was about to rush to catch her: "Okay, Zhang Li is a girl, what do you care about with a girl as a big boy?"

This seems to be persuasion, but it actually feels a bit demeaning to girls.

(End of this chapter)

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