Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3083 What a coincidence, Mr. Wang already knew

Chapter 3083 What a coincidence, Mr. Wang already knew
Zhang Li walked to the door. Hearing this, he couldn't help but stop, and turned to look at the noisy table.

There was no superfluous expression on her pretty face, she stared at the person who just took the sneak shot very coldly, and said softly: "You can post it as you like, but if you think that posting it can drag people who are better than you into the water." It’s wrong. If you harm others, you will end up harming yourself! If you want to die, I won’t advise you.”

With that said, she opened the door and left the store.

The people inside are still persuading the person who was dragged down to take the sneak shot, saying nice things to him in various ways, telling him not to take it to heart, not to care about it.

But that boy probably had his self-esteem hurt by Zhang Li, so he killed himself and decided to post the photo on the Internet, why did Zhang Li say that he had red eye disease, so he wanted to post the photo for everyone to see if he was malicious? , is it red eye disease...

outside the store.

The girl with chestnut curly hair didn't go far, she took out her mobile phone from her bag at the corner of the road, found a number she hadn't contacted for a long time, and called.

Ten seconds later, the phone was answered over there.


Zhang Li took a deep breath and said nervously, "Third cousin, I want to tell you something."

On the other side, Zhang Yang was playing cards with Qin Si and the others, when he suddenly received a call, he could only ask someone to take his place and go outside to answer the call by himself.

Zhang Li is his younger sister.

But they all have the same surname, they are said to be cousins, but in fact the relatives of the two families are far apart, so they are not very close.

Only during New Years and holidays, the elderly at home will occasionally meet each other when they are doing business.

He was still wondering why his cousin, who was out of reach, would suddenly call him, after listening to what the other party said.

Zhang Yang was silent.

"Don't worry about it, let me handle this matter. If this boy retaliates against you later, tell me, and I will go to school to find you."

"it is good."

"You did very well."

After Zhang Yang praised her a few words, he hung up the phone, turned and walked into the box with cold eyes.

Ye Wangchuan was finally in the capital, Qin Si organized everyone in his circle of friends to come out to play, and Jiang Li was also there.

There are many people in the box.

But Ye Wangchuan himself hasn't come yet, he has been running around the Ninth Institute for the past two days, it seems that there is a project at the Ninth Institute that has reached the most critical juncture, and he needs to personally check it.

Ye Wangchuan hasn't come yet, but Qin Si has already told everyone that Master Wang said that he will come over when he is busy with the affairs of the Ninth Institute.

So the atmosphere in the box was still extremely lively.

After Zhang Yang came back, he was not in the mood to play cards anymore, so he walked to Qin Si's position and whispered something in his ear.

"Damn!" Qin Si threw a card on the table angrily, and turned to look at him: "That person is mentally ill?! Looking for trouble!"

His loud voice made others look over.

Qin Si didn't care, and pushed the cards in front of him: "Stop playing, what a fart! I'm not in the mood."

Zhang Yang asked him: "Do you want to tell Master Wang?"

"You're asking that..." Qin Si just wanted to say, could it be possible to hide things related to Sister Qiao from Mr. Wang?

While the two were talking, they didn't notice that the person they were talking about happened to push the door in with Bao Jingxing.

As soon as Ye Wangchuan entered the door, he heard them saying his name. He walked inside, unbuttoned the collar, and pulled off the collar with clear-fingered hands, revealing his snow-white and slender neck. Want to tell me something?"

(End of this chapter)

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