Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3094 Just this opportunity to frustrate his arrogance

Chapter 3094 Just this opportunity to frustrate his arrogance
"Eh?" Master Cheng didn't turn his head for a while.

Qiao Nian said very patiently: "If it's not clear in the video, I'll see if the dean and Aunt Yun have time, and I'll arrange for you to meet."

"Ah, no, no need." Master Cheng understood what she meant, and quickly got up and waved his hands: "It can be clearly explained in the video."

"Okay." Qiao Nian asked clearly and turned to get the laptop.

Master Cheng looked at the back of her going upstairs, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, and a smile appeared on his face, and said with emotion: "Fortunately, Niannian helped, otherwise I really don't know what to do..."

Ye Wangchuan straightened his cuff buttons at this moment, seemingly unintentionally shaving the stunned Yu Wenhao's face, and immediately stood up, and said to Master Cheng: "Mr. Qian, I will help you again." You go and ask."

Master Cheng was overjoyed when he heard the words: "That's great!"

Ye Wangchuan passed by Yu Wenhao, and went to the study to contact Qian Lao on behalf of Master Cheng.

Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan were not there, so Qin Si stared blankly at Yu Wenhao and said, "Hey, didn't a certain person just dragged two to five to eighty thousand? What did you say that your time is precious, and others No one deserves to waste his time, so why not drag him now."

Yu Wenhao knew that he was talking about himself, and his cheeks and ears burned, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. He said awkwardly: "I, I didn't know that she knew those people at first."

Feng Yu.

Thank you Tingyun.

He had heard of these names when he was overseas, and any one of them was a remarkable figure.

Not to mention Mr. Qian mentioned by Ye Wangchuan.

Yu Wenhao's idol is Mr. Qian, and he vowed to be like Mr. Qian.

Qin Si saw that he was really embarrassed, and it was indeed the same as what Master Cheng said, it was just that his brain was not working well, and it was not malicious.

He didn't make it too difficult for Wen Hao, but only lightly mentioned: "In this world, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Remember this truth well."

Master Cheng didn't stop him from talking to Yu Wenhao, but just patted the young man's shoulder silently, comforting him silently.

What Qin Si said was rough and not rough. Yu Wenhao has some ability. Although he is not as good as Qiao Nian, there are a few people in the whole capital who have the talent of Qiao Nian.

Yu Wenhao is already better than most people, and he is also a top student in science. He has been trained and cultivated, and he may not be unable to achieve some achievements in the future.

However, anyone with a little ability may have a common problem-most of them are arrogant about their talents!
So did Yu Wenhao.

Master Cheng had long discovered that he was disobedient to everyone in the Ninth Institute except himself. Sometimes the seniors in the team told him something, and he often couldn't listen to it with confidence.

It's better to be said a few words here at Qin Si this time than to continue to be so arrogant that I wasted my rare talent...

Although Master Cheng didn't say anything to comfort him, he also looked in Qin Si's direction, probably to ask Qin Si to save him face and show mercy.

It's one thing for Qin Si to be unscrupulous, and he treats the older generation like Master Cheng with great respect, and shuts his mouth after just one glance.

He didn't bother to argue with Yu Wenhao, so he raised his voice and called Gu San: "Will you come to play games? I called Zhang Yang and Tang Ning, and there is a game boss. I will pull you out."

Gu Sancai was too lazy to play with his black hole game, so he glanced at him lightly and walked into the kitchen: "I'm going to make a cup of coffee for Miss Qiao."

(End of this chapter)

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