Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3095 Sister Nian knows that Lu Zhi went to find Father Jiang

Chapter 3095 Sister Nian knows that Lu Zhi went to find Father Jiang
Qin Si looked at his figure who didn't look back, clicked his tongue, and pulled someone in the small group to make up the numbers, collapsed on the sofa and started to play the game.

Qiao Nian quickly got down her laptop, contacted Feng Yu and Xie Tingyun for Master Cheng, and started a private video chat with them.

In order to make it easier for Master Cheng to speak, Ye Wangchuan also gave up the study and asked him to go to the study to play video chats without being afraid of being heard by others.

Master Cheng wanted to talk to Feng Yu and the others about something more important, so he didn't let Yu Wenhao go in with him.

"You stay outside and wait for me."

Yu Wenhao followed outside the study, seeing that his teacher didn't take him in, he hesitated to speak cautiously: "I'm outside alone..."

He was ridiculed by Qin Si just now, and staying outside at this time is undoubtedly torture in disguise.

Master Cheng insisted: "Don't worry, with Qiao Nian here, Qin Si won't make trouble with you."

He could figure out who Qin Huang was afraid of.

In front of Ye Wangchuan, Qin Si would sometimes babble a few words with complacency, but when Qiao Nian was around, he always paid attention to restraining his temper.

Master Cheng patted Yu Wenhao on the shoulder, turned the doorknob and went in.

Yu Wenhao stood at the door of the study for a while, it was Gu San who called him, and then he slowly moved to the living room, looking up at several people unnaturally.

Qin Si was playing a game and didn't bother to talk to him.

Ye Wangchuan didn't know what he was doing when he entered the kitchen.

Gu San called him over, but just pointed to a chair for him to sit there and wait for Master Cheng to come out.

As for girls...

Yu Wenhao secretly glanced in Qiao Nian's direction.

When the girl came down from the second floor, she was still looking like a fool, she was sitting on the sofa looking down at her phone, as if she was answering someone's message.

In front of her was the coffee that Gu San had just brewed, and the coffee was still steaming.

But she didn't seem interested, hadn't had a drink at all.

Under the light outside the house, the girl's delicate side face became more angular and beautiful, making it impossible to associate her with Independent Island and Feng Yu.

Yu Wenhao was frowning, forgetting himself.

At this moment, he felt a bunch of sharp eyes falling on him, which made him subconsciously chase after him in fright.

Soon, he met the young master Ye who came out of the kitchen.

The other party didn't deliberately want to do anything to him.

Just a lazy look into the eyes.

Subconsciously, Yu Wenhao felt his back go cold, and he lowered his head, not daring to look at Qiao Nian's face again.

Ye Wangchuan just glanced at him, turned his gaze back, and put a bowl of glutinous rice balls on the tea table in front of the girl: "You didn't eat at noon, so eat something to fill your stomach first."

Qiao Nian just finished sending the message to Jiang Zongjin, saw the porcelain bowl he brought out, stretched his legs, and squinted to look: "What?"

"Small glutinous rice balls." Ye Wangchuan cooked them for her by himself. He was afraid that they would be hot when they came out of the pot, so he cooled them down with a spoon and passed them over to her: "Don't worry, I didn't add sugar to you."

Just as Qiao Nian was about to reach out to pick it up, out of the corner of her eye she saw the message Jiang Zongjin had sent her back on the phone on her lap, and her eyes instantly turned cold.

[Jiang Zongjin: Nian Nian, I just finished chatting with Tianchen's Mr. Lu. I didn't check my phone just now, and I didn't notice that you sent me a message.Have you eaten? 】

Qiao Nian paid special attention to what he said 'Tianchen's Mr. Lu', the corners of his mouth were pulled up uncontrollably, with a surly arc, and his whole aura became irritable.

What does Lu Zhi want to do!
(End of this chapter)

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