Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3096 Sister Nian: I'll go find you right away

Chapter 3096 Sister Nian: I'll go find you right away
Qiao Nian suddenly lost her appetite, got up irritably, walked up to Qin Si who was playing games, and stretched out her hand to him: "Lend me the car key."

"Wave after wave..." Qin Si was engaged in a fierce team battle, and when he was busy, he saw the girl's palm spread in front of him. If he didn't pay attention, the character in his hand had already GG.

"Young Master Qin, what are you doing! Why are you standing there without moving! Do you have a network card?" Zhang Yang's voice came from the speaker on the other end of the phone.

There was also Tangning's charming joke: "Forget it, Brother Yang. You still don't know what level Qin Shao is, and how can Master Wang get stuck? Aren't you kidding me?"

Qin Si pointed the phone to his lips and said depressedly: "I don't want to cook, okay! One knife in the canyon!"

"A kitchen knife." Tangning's mouth was always so poisonous.

Normally, he would definitely have to talk to Tangning about his game level, but Qiao Nian was still standing in front of him waiting for the key.

Qin Si hurriedly said to them: "Sister Qiao is looking for me, you play first."

Their game team was chatting up just now, laughing and joking with Qin Si.

As soon as he said that Mr. Joe was looking for him.

It's all like a primary school student hearing the name of the head teacher, as quiet as a chicken.

Qin Si gave a sharp cut, expressing his contempt for them.

Then he put down his phone, touched his car keys from the side and handed them to the girl's palm, raised his head and said in wonder, "Sister Qiao, why do you want my car keys?"

Qiao Nian got the car keys and walked back, picked up her mobile phone on the sofa, and said to the man who just cooked glutinous rice balls for her, "I'm going out."

Ye Wangchuan had already silently put the bowl back on the tea table when her expression suddenly changed and she stood up. Seeing that Qiao Nian was about to go out in a hurry, he took his coat and asked, "Shall I go with you?"

Qiao Nian turned to look at Yu Wenhao in the living room, then looked away, and fell on him again, and said calmly, "I'm going to find a friend, it's nothing serious. Master Cheng is still inside, you stay and wait." Come out, Master Cheng."

Ye Wangchuan had received the news of Lu Zhi's arrival in Beijing an hour ago, but he didn't mention it to her just in order not to upset her.

He saw that Qiao Nian was in a hurry and was about to go out with only her mobile phone, so he guessed that she was probably going to find Lu Zhi...

Ye Wangchuan felt like he was having a splitting headache. A normal man would inevitably feel a sense of crisis in his heart because his girlfriend was going to meet his rival in love.

He put his coat on the back of the chair: "You really don't want me to give it to you?"

"No, I'll be back soon." Qiao Nian took a step forward, then turned around as if realizing something.

His face was cold and solemn, and his crow-black eyelashes were slightly drawn.

The beautiful pupils stared fixedly at him for a few seconds, then looked away, and immediately said with a paralyzed face, "Don't worry, I have the heart to kill him!"

If Lu Zhi puts his mind on Jiang Zongjin, she will really kick the table and turn her face.

Ye Wangchuan didn't expect that she would guess what he was thinking, and he was stunned for a full second, then his deep eyes flickered, his thin lips curled up, and he was in a good mood: "I'll wait for you to come back, and have hot pot tonight."

When Qiao Nian heard about eating hot pot, the burning anger in his heart was slightly calmed down, but the expression on his face was still quite grumpy, and he murmured, "Okay."

She changed her shoes and went out, closed the door and called Jian Jin: "Where are you?"

There is an address there.

Qiao Nian pressed the elevator and waited for the elevator to come up: "I'll go find you right away."

(End of this chapter)

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