Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3133 Immediately guessed that it was related to Lu Zhi

Chapter 3133 Immediately guessed that it was related to Lu Zhi

Jiang Li just wanted to say "how can that be done", but he didn't have time to say it.

Qiao Nian's phone rang.

The girl took out her mobile phone from her pocket, looked at the caller ID in a dawdly manner, her face became obviously serious, she pushed her chair away and got up and said, "I'm going to answer a call."

"Ah, good." Jiang Li responded.

Qiao Nian took the phone and walked out of the garden, probably looking for a secluded corner.

Seeing her walking in a hurry, Jiang Li turned back to his brother worriedly and said, "Whose call are you talking about? I think Nian Nian just reacted a bit strangely."

Jiang Yao knew that he was not welcome, so he didn't talk much at the table, until Jiang Li asked him by name, he leaned on the back of the chair with his broad shoulders, very stretched, looked at Jiang Li with black eyes and said: "The circle of friends around her is too It's complicated, it's probably a friend. Don't worry about her, she's more mature than you and me."

Jiang Li said, "Yes."

Jiang Yao looked at him as if he was not thinking about it all day long, rubbed his face and looked at him: "Do you have 3 VIP tickets?"


Jiang Li didn't realize it at first, but soon realized that Jiang Yao was asking him about the premiere ticket, so he nodded in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yao said expressionlessly, "Give me one."

"You?" Jiang Lihuo frowned like a ghost, and shrugged his shoulders: "Why do you want a ticket? Didn't you have no interest in the entertainment industry since childhood?"

Under the influence of Tang Wanru since childhood, Jiang Yao, like Jiang Xianrou, has a contemptuous and contemptuous attitude towards the entertainment industry.

When he was going to enter the entertainment industry, Jiang Yao helped his parents to persuade him a lot. Several times because he was disobedient, Jiang Yao became anxious and wanted to beat him up.

Jiang Li remembered it clearly.

Jiang Yao doesn't like the entertainment industry, nor is he interested in movies, celebrities, and the like.

His mind is full of business and finance, and his personality in life is like his father, almost old-fashioned and boring.

"You don't want her to come back to your movie premiere." Jiang Yao said calmly, as if he said casually: "There are so many reporters and media people at the scene, in case someone recognizes her, with her identity, you think she is popular." Will be lower than you?"


"I happen to be fine, so I went over to have a look." Jiang Yao said with mixed feelings: "If someone pesters the interview, I can help stop it."

"..." Jiang Li understood now.

Jiang Yao asked him for VIP tickets not because he wanted to watch the premiere, nor because he suddenly became interested in celebrities, but because it was not safe to miss someone alone.

"When did you care about Nian Nian so much?" Jiang Li asked him in a low voice with interest.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Jiang Yao's face, but he quickly hid it under his increasingly mature face, and said with a paralyzed face, "At least we are not enemies."

Hearing his ambiguous answer, Jiang Li understood that he and Qiao Nian still needed a long time to get along and make up for the original rift.

He didn't force it, so he sat back in his seat, calming down for a rare moment: "Okay, I'll get the ticket and ask the agent to send you to the company."

"Well." Jiang Yao saw the gift box brought by his feet, and said to him again: "After you give this to her, I won't go to her alone. It's convenient for you."

Jiang Li has no problem with this arrangement: "Okay."

the other side.

Qiao Nian walked to the corridor at the back of the garden, answered the phone, "Hello."

Jian Jin: "I want to tell you something."

Qiao Nian looked back at Mr. Jiang and the others in the garden yard, and said, "What's the matter? It's related to Lu Zhi?"

(End of this chapter)

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