Chapter 3134 Just a meal
Jian Jin seemed to be in a bad mood, she was silent for a few seconds, and said: "QIAO, the journey of the three of us has not been easy, the boss is indeed very rough sometimes, I can't wait to slap him a few times myself. But you know he …At that time, that incident caused him to be permanently disabled. It is not easy for him to not go to extremes for such a proud person. He is indeed a bit extreme in character, and he has become more and more deviant in recent years, but you believe He, like me, has never thought of hurting you, but sometimes everyone stands on the standpoint of an adult, and it is inevitable that there will be some conflicts and contradictions."

"What does Lu Zhi want to do?" Qiao Nian asked her calmly after listening quietly, as if she had guessed it.

Since Jian Jin made this call, she made up her mind, so she took a deep breath: "He might have to attack Master Cheng."

The veins on Qiao Nian's forehead popped up, he clenched the phone tightly, and laughed angrily, "Huh?!"

"Young Master Ye should tell you, right?" Jian Jin guessed that she would be angry, and said bitterly: "He has always wanted to lead Tianchen and the illegal area to become an existence beyond the hidden family. Want to get the Tsar's blueprint."

"Originally, he wanted to get the confidential data through stealing without anyone noticing, but it was a pity that he was discovered."

"So now there is only one way left before him, and the only way to achieve this goal is to control Master Cheng!"

Jian Jin tried to keep the story short: "I had an argument with him just now. I don't know if he has listened to it, so I think...QIAO, if it's convenient for you, find a few more people to protect Master Cheng's safety, Lu It will hurt Master Cheng, but I don't even know what he will do."

She really thought that Boss Lu came all the way to Beijing just to reconcile with Qiao, but now it seems... She thought things too purely.

The adult world is often more complicated than imagined.

Lu Zhi came to Beijing with the idea of ​​meeting Qiao Nian, and even wanted to reconcile with Qiao Nian through Jiang Zongjin.


He also said the same as QIAO.

Came to Beijing for another purpose.

"You'd better protect Master Cheng."

It was not easy for Jian Jin to do this step.

After all, she belongs to Tianchen.

He is also one of Tianchen's major shareholders.

She was willing to tell Qiao Nian about Lu Zhi's plan, which was equivalent to betraying Tianchen and Lu Zhi.

It's just that Jian Jin didn't want to lose her friend, and she didn't want Lu Zhi to regret it, so she did it resolutely.

Qiao Nian understood her painstaking efforts, which made her headache even worse. He pulled his peaked cap to cover his eyes: "As long as Lu Zhi doesn't hurt Master Cheng, and doesn't get the tsar's ideas, I can pretend nothing happened."

"I can guarantee the first one, but the second...QIAO, you know his character, he can't figure it out on his own, and no one can persuade him." Jian Jin smiled wryly.

Qiao muttered: "Stubborn temper means that you will be beaten less, just one beating will be fine."

Jane Jin: "..."

She was quite sad at first, but she almost laughed out loud all of a sudden.

Needless to say, QIAO summed it up quite well!

The boss has a sticky temper, and sometimes he is really bad, and she also wants to beat him to vent his anger.

But when she heard Qiao Nian's answer, she knew what the other person meant, and she relaxed a lot, and there was a smile on her lips: "Then you hit it softly, and save his life."

"Okay." Qiao Nian's tone was tinged with a smile.

Jian Jin immediately said: "I will keep an eye on him at all times, and I will send you a message if he makes any movement."

(End of this chapter)

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