Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3157 Qi Shao said that a batch of goods came from Continent F

Chapter 3157 Qi Shao said that a batch of goods came from F continent
"This..." the Filipino maid said awkwardly, "I don't know either."

Shadow guessed that she didn't know anything, so he didn't make things difficult for her. He returned to his car parked by the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Zheng.

The phone connects in seconds.

"Where are you?" The Yinshi family has always been strong, and the shadow is even more used to being around Nie Qingru.

Zhou Zheng's heart was pounding when he received his call, and he didn't dare to hide anything: "I, I'm at home."

"Where's Young Master Qi?" Shadow was too lazy to go around in circles with him: "He's not with you?"

Zhou Zheng swallowed nervously: "Young Master Qi started to stay with me, then left after answering a phone call. It seems that there is something urgent..."

His words alerted Shadow: "What's urgent? Do you know where he went?"

Zhou Zheng tried hard to recall: "He seems to have mentioned that a batch of goods came from Continent F..."

Shadow's face became serious, most of the people were awake, his throat couldn't help tightening up, and his voice was harsh: "He went to Continent F?!"

The sudden increase in his voice startled Zhou Zheng, and he stuttered: "I, I don't know either. I just heard him mention that a batch of goods arrived from Continent F, and Young Master Qi didn't mention anything else to me. Pass."

Shadow's face was not very good-looking: "I see."

Zhou Zheng was a little worried: "Young Master Qi will not have an accident, right?"

"No." Shadow answered quickly, but there was a strong uneasiness in his heart. He frowned, and then remembered: "Has he done anything in private lately that I don't know about?"

Zhou Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately remembered what happened at the stall in Beijing.

But Nie Qixing had warned him not to mention it to anyone, and Zhou Zheng would rely on Nie Qixing for support in the future, so naturally he didn't dare to betray him.

So he immediately denied it: "No, no, right? I haven't heard what Qi Shao does in private. Isn't he busy with family affairs recently? I usually don't see other people."

Shadow hung up the phone in doubt.

He stayed in front of Nie Qixing's house for a while, and made three phone calls to Nie Qixing, all of which were shutting down without exception...

Continent F, cargo, shutdown... Shadow had to think about these three together, the more he thought about it, the stronger the anxiety in his chest became.

He hesitated to find out Nie Qingru's phone number, wanting to call Nie Qingru to report the unexpected situation he encountered...

But he hung up the phone before dialing out from his fingertips.

Shadow's eyes deepened, and he remembered what the Empress said on the day when she had a dispute with Nie Qixing. If Young Master Qi did something to disappoint the Empress again, the Empress would be angry again...

With that in mind, he decided to check it out himself.

Shadow opened the car door with one hand and got in the car. With the other hand, he dug out a contact number in the address book and called: "Help me find out where Qi Shao has gone. If he goes to State F, arrange a plane for me right away." , I will fly over immediately."

Qiao Nian took the plane at three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was already nightfall when it arrived at Continent F.

Slender Waist booked her a first-class seat, and knew that she didn't like to get too close to strangers, so she thoughtfully used a false identity to buy tickets for the two seats next to her.

In fact, she was the only guest in that row, so Qiao Nian had a good rest on the plane and had a good sleep.

When I woke up, the plane had already landed.

She only had a carry-on bag and didn't have a suitcase, so she took her own bag and got off the plane first, and walked towards the airport hall.

(End of this chapter)

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