Chapter 3158 Received Miss Nian

Qiao Nian didn't turn on the phone immediately after getting off the plane, but went to the vending machine to buy a cup of hot coffee, opened the can and took a sip before standing by the side and slowly took out the phone to turn it on.

The screen flickered on for a while.

Soon the beeps sounded.

Various missed calls + unread messages pop up.

Qiao Nian didn't read all of them, but only selected the important ones and clicked on them.

She first responded to Ye Wangchuan's message and told him that she was here.

Immediately afterwards, he called Daji back: "I just got off the plane, where are you?"

Daji's voice came from the other end, giving her an approximate location.

"Well, I'll go find you." Qiao Nian replied, hung up the phone, took her can, and walked out at a leisurely pace.

At this time, I received the real-time positioning from Daji.

She turned on the real-time location to find someone.


Continent F airport is not too big.

Qiao Nian quickly found a place to meet them.

Both Daji and Mo Dong are there.

Mo Dong saw her faster than Daji, and went straight to meet her, reaching out to help her carry her luggage, only to realize that Qiao Nian didn't bring any luggage, and scratched her head as soon as she squeezed her big hand, "Ahem, Miss Qiao, you didn't bring any luggage? "

"Huh?" Qiao Nian didn't notice that he wanted to help her carry her luggage, but when he saw him asking herself, she still said patiently, "I'll leave when I'm done."

"Oh, oh." A blush flashed across Mo Dong's cold scarred face.

Daji saw it, pushed him away, squeezed in front of the girl, and reported to the girl very familiarly: "Nie Qixing is on the plane, and it is estimated that he will arrive at Continent F in two hours."

He asked Qiao Nian seriously: "Sun, should we wait for him to arrive and start immediately, or wait and do more preparations?"

As Qiao Nian walked out of the airport, he answered his question nonchalantly: "It's not suitable to delay this matter for a long time. Since you have decided to do it, let's do it as soon as he arrives."

Daji followed quickly: "I think the same way. After a long night and many dreams, the hidden family can easily react."

The three walked out of the airport.

Mo Dong quickly stepped forward to open the car door.

Qiao Nian thanked him, threw the bag in first, and got into the car by himself.

Daji walked around to the co-pilot's seat, opened the door by herself, thought for a while and said, "Then let's go back and discuss how to do it."

Qiao Nian opened the car window as soon as she got in the car, blowing the long-lost night breeze from F continent, narrowing her eyes slightly, her fair face was rarely carefree: "Well, we'll talk about it when we get there."

Mo Dong's car came, so it was natural for Mo Dong to drive back.

The camp of the big diamond boss in F continent.

The jeep drove into the base camp as if entering no one's land.

As soon as their car arrived, Daji called together several key members in Continent F and began to make a plan for Nie Qixing's plane after it landed.

Qiao Nian slept for eight hours on the plane, and she had a headache. The quality of sleep was not good.

When she entered the tent, she dragged a chair and sat there with half-closed eyes to rest her mind. Daji was mainly arranging the next tasks with others.

After listening to the tasks assigned by Daji and them, Chunlei and Houzi were silent for a long time.

It was the monkey who swallowed his saliva, peeked at the girl with closed eyes and meditated, and asked Daji softly, "Boss, do we really want to touch people from the Nie family?"

They didn't know much about Nie Qixing.

All he knew was that Nie Qixing's surname was Nie, and he probably belonged to the Nie family, a hidden family.

The Nie family also has their own business in Continent F, but they usually do not interfere with each other, and do not disturb each other, and rarely have conflicts.

(End of this chapter)

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