Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3159 Sister Nian and Master Wang cooperate to abuse scum

Chapter 3159 Sister Nian and Master Wang cooperate to abuse scum

Q's attempt to move people from the Nie family this time is bound to break the current balance in Continent F.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chunlei kicked him on the butt, and said angrily: "Where are you talking so much, just do it! I'm afraid of a bird!"

"I'm not afraid..." Monkey was embarrassed by her words.

Chunlei has a bad temper, interrupted him impatiently, stared at him and said: "You are a big man, chattering endlessly here! Anyway, my wife's life is given by the organization, so I will do whatever Q asks me to do! Isn’t it the Nie family of the Hidden World Family? It’s not the Heavenly King Lao Tzu.”

The monkey knew her temper, and he lost his temper after being sprayed by her, and he didn't want to be as knowledgeable as her, so he kept his mouth shut so as not to irritate her.

Daji stopped the two of them: "Okay."

Everyone in the base camp looked at him in unison, waiting for his instructions.

Daji said unhurriedly: "The matter is not as serious as you imagined, it's just a small role, not the head of the hidden family."

And he was right.

Although Nie Qingru publicly announced that Nie Qixing was her favorite heir, Nie Qixing's ability was not enough to convince the public, whether inside or outside the Hermit Family.

If it weren't for Nie Qingru's reputation, Nie Qixing would have been devoured already and there would be nothing left... Nie Qingru would treat him like a baby!

Daji didn't know the relationship between Qiao Nian and Nie Qingru. If she knew that Nie Qingru was still Qiao Nian's nominal grandmother, she would be even more speechless.

He turned to wake the girl up: "Sun, it's almost time."

The girl lazily opened her eyes and put her hands on her chin: "Is the person coming?"

Daji glanced at her watch: "Look at the time, it's time for Nie Qixing's plane to land."

Qiao Nian stood up slowly, picked up her mobile phone, and was about to go out: "I'm going to make a call."

All the people in the tent are more important than her.

They all made way for her.

Qiao Nian walked outside the tent.

The night is just right outside, Continent F is full of stars, it looks like tomorrow will be a good weather.

Qiao Nian called Ye Wangchuan.

Except for a few seconds of delay over there, it was connected almost immediately: "Are you there?"

The man's voice is low and mellow, and his voice is charming.

Qiao Nian picked out his ears, looked up at the sky outside, his crow-black eyelashes drooped, and said to him, "Nie Qixing will be here soon, I'm going to make a move."

Ye Wangchuan heard this, suppressed the frivolous smile in his tone, and became a little more serious: "I'm not by your side, be careful yourself. Don't act impulsively, tell Mo Dong if you have anything to say."

"Tsk." Qiao Nian's eyes were unrestrained, and he couldn't help reminding him: "Continent F seems to be my territory."

When she built this diamond line in Continent F, Nie Qixing was still playing with mud in the laboratory... If it wasn't for the people behind him, Qiao Nian wouldn't have paid much attention to Nie Qixing at all!
However, she knew that Ye Wangchuan was worried about herself, so she took this feeling and said casually: "I will be careful. Just because he dares to become a master, I will not let him leave here easily! His heart is too big , if he doesn't teach him a painful lesson, he will dare to touch my dad, Jiang Li and the old man next time..."

"I know."

Ye Wangchuan is the person who knows her best, not one of them.

He didn't need Qiao Nian to explain what she was thinking.

He and Qiao Nian had developed an unusual tacit understanding long ago, and said to her: "Anyway, be careful yourself, and I will take care of things in Beijing."

Qiao Nian had always believed in his ability, so she felt relieved: "It's up to you over there."

(End of this chapter)

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