Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3163 Nie Qingru still has 2 hours to consider

Chapter 3163 Nie Qingru still has two hours to think
Shadow took the satellite phone, opened his mouth and said: "Why didn't you report to me when you came to Continent F? If I didn't find out, wouldn't you tell me until now? Do you think the reason why I let you follow Young Master Qi What is it... let you hide from me with him?!"

The assistant on the other end apologized very cautiously: "I'm sorry, Mr. Shadow, Young Master Qi didn't allow me to contact you, and he took away the mobile phone. I thought of a place to find a chance to tell you, but you contacted me first... "

"Okay, I don't want to hear your explanation." Shadow asked directly: "Where are you now?"

The assistant opened the car window and looked out at the dark environment, gave an approximate location, and said, "The seller wants to take us to the warehouse to see the goods."

"But don't worry, I brought all the people I could bring, and I also contacted our nearby staff, and they will come as soon as possible."

"It's okay for the other party to trade honestly. If they dare to use their brains, we will definitely make them come and go!"

There are only two local snakes in Continent F, which would be dreadful.

One is the power of the diamond boss.

One is a bunker.

As long as these two forces do not get involved, the other forces are not enough in front of the Hermit Family!
He had already contacted the brothers nearby, enough to ensure Nie Qixing's safety.

Hearing that he finally knew how to arrange someone to protect Nie Qixing's safety, Shadow calmed down a bit: "I've already found someone to confirm that the person we need to care about is not in Continent F, you just need to be careful..."

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a sudden violent impact sound from the other end.

Shadow suddenly raised his vigilance, and hurriedly asked: "What's going on, what happened? Why did I hear a voice from your side?"

The signal on the satellite phone started to fail, and there was a rustling sound from inside.

The voice of the assistant on the other end became indistinct.

Shadow could only vaguely hear the assistant saying anxiously: "Someone... bumped... stopped... we were ambushed! The seller...problem..."

He quickly sorted out what the assistant wanted to express in his mind - someone stopped the car of Nie Qixing and his party, they were ambushed, and the seller had a problem!

Shadow sucked in a breath of cold air, a chill came down his back, his brain was running fast thinking about who dared to touch Nie Qixing, and why he wanted to touch Nie Qixing...

In just a few seconds of his time, the satellite phone in his hand rang with an electric current, and he was completely disconnected from there!
The bodyguard beside him was shocked and said: "There is no signal over there!"

But they are using satellite phones, and it is impossible for them to have no signal or poor signal!
Unless it's a possibility.

Someone technically cut their signal!
This is not something that ordinary people can do, after all, they use satellite signal towers.

——Who is it?
This question will soon be answered.

After the buzzing of the satellite phone in Shadow's hand, another second passed, and a new voice suddenly came out of it, quite loose and arrogant.

"Go and tell Nie Qingru that she has two hours from now to think of a reason for me to let Nie Qixing go."

"Or she could trade a secret with me."

"For example, the relationship between Nie Qixing and my mother."

Shadow trembled.

This voice is...

Qiao Nian! !
He even asked someone to investigate just now, Qiao Nian has never left the capital!
How could a person who should be in Jing City suddenly flash to Continent F... unless he was fooled from the beginning!

(End of this chapter)

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