Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3164 He still wants to threaten sister Nian, funny!

Chapter 3164 He still wants to threaten sister Nian, funny!

Shadow said sharply: "Qiao Nian, don't touch Young Master Qi. Otherwise..."

"Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me?" The girl's voice was neither salty nor weak, revealing a little coldness.

Shadow's aura subconsciously collapsed in half, and his voice was also softer than before: "Don't touch Qi Shao. Otherwise..."

He didn't have a chance to finish this time either.

Because the satellite phone in his hand beeped again, then fell silent—

"..." The blue veins on Shadow's forehead bulged, the raised eyebrows throbbed frequently, his nerves were tense into a bow, and a string inside seemed to be broken at any time.

The bodyguard beside him frowned at this moment, and said uncertainly, "She died?"

Shadow muffled and took the satellite phone away from his ear.

The bodyguard said with a look of disbelief: "It's really dead? What does this person mean?"

The shadow was all in black, his face was darker than the clothes he was wearing, and the shadow in his eyes covered the emotion in his eyes: "Didn't you hear what she said on the phone?"

The bodyguard couldn't help turning sideways to make way for him: "I heard it. But..."

"She made this call for only one purpose—to threaten!" Shadow didn't want to waste too much time with him, and put down the satellite phone with a paralyzed face.

At the same time, I bent down to pick up the mobile phone I left on the spot, suppressed the surging emotions in my chest, and said in a calm tone: "She is declaring war with us openly. So I have to report to the Queen about the situation in Continent F, otherwise I will let you If the situation continues, Qi Shao's life may be in danger."

The bodyguard's expression changed from disbelief to astonishment: "Did she dare to touch Qi Shao?"

Shadow had already dialed the number. Hearing this, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the changing face of the bodyguard beside him, and sneered: "Heh~ there are things in this world she dare not do?"

There is nothing in this world that Qiao Nian dare not do!

At the beginning, she went straight to the Ji family's ancestral hall alone, and then led people to rescue Lu Zhi from M country and them, not to mention the destruction of the Yu family, and the death of Mr. Lei... All these things, how little did she do? !

Only a fool would doubt that Qiao Nian dared to do it.

Anyone who knows her knows that.

Qiao Nian can do what he says, and he will never break his word...

While impatiently preparing to report to Nie Qingru, Shadow ordered the bodyguard with a gloomy expression: "You can contact Zhou Zheng, a friend next to Young Master Qi, and ask him what Young Master Qi did to provoke people in Beijing."

"Okay." The bodyguard was about to make a call.

"and many more."

Shadow squinted his eyes and stopped him again, and said in a stern tone: "Ask a few more times, otherwise he won't tell the truth."

"Yes." The bodyguard hurried to contact Zhou Zheng.

Seeing him walk away, Shadow looked at the time. It is estimated that the plane will land at Continental Airport in 10 minutes...

It happened that the phone got through.

He took a deep breath, walked to the corner and lowered his voice to report: "Queen, something happened to Young Master Qi."

Compared with the shadow, he can calmly contact Nie Qingru.

The situation on Nie Qixing's side is really terrible.

A car accident happened to the car in front of them, causing the car behind them to rear-end without braking in time. The sudden and violent impact almost threw Nie Qixing out of the back row.

Although he barely grasped the handrail of the car, the skin on his forehead was scratched, and a trickle of blood flowed down the left side of his face, looking horrific.

The sharp pain on his forehead somehow woke Nie Qixing up, and he immediately asked the driver and his entourage: "What's going on? How did you drive!"

"No. Young Master Nie...the front, the front seems to have an accident." The driver was also slightly injured, but not seriously, and he stammered and pointed out the glass.

(End of this chapter)

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