Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3198 Nie Qixing's situation is not optimistic

Chapter 3198 Nie Qixing's situation is not optimistic
Qiao Nian felt a headache when he saw his calm and peaceful appearance, and pressed his temple: "There's no need to eat."

When they get together, they don't know what will happen.

Both of them are not fuel-efficient lamps anyway.

One...I don't know what to think about all day long, and one thinks too many things all day long!
Qiao Nian felt that both of them had their own bugs.

But Ye Wangchuan reminded her of this incident.

Lu Zhi is still in Beijing.

This time I helped myself a lot.

Because of emotion and reason, she couldn't pretend she didn't see it anymore, so she thought about it and said, "I'll ask him."

"He might not come." She picked up the phone, just in time to say that Cao Cao was here, and Jian Jin sent her a message.

Qiao Nian opened it easily, then leaned against the side of the sofa with half-closed eyes, and pursed Cen Bo's lips: "Chun Lei was a little bit harsh. Nie Qingru was looking for an orthopedic expert for Nie Qixing, and asked for Lu Zhi's head. It seems that Nie Qixing's legs are also will be handicapped."

This beam is getting bigger.

But she was just talking about it, and she didn't feel relieved.

From the moment she sealed off Continent F and moved Nie Qixing, she had a deadly feud with Nie Qingru, not far from this 01:30.

After all, she threw Nie Qixing's eyes to the dogs.

At noon the next day, Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan went to have a meal with Nie Mi and Liang Conglin.

During the period, Liang Conglin said that several judges of the International Arrangement Competition found him through channels and wanted to apologize to Qiao Nian.

Qiao Nian originally guessed that he was looking for him for the International Arrangement Competition.

So I was not surprised to hear Liang Conglin mention it during the dinner, and naturally rejected the judges' request to fly over to apologize to her face to face.

"There's no need to apologize."

"What I want to say is already on the ins, not to mention they just came here to apologize in person?"

Qiao Nian's last sentence stopped Liang Conglin completely.

He is not a fool, of course he understands why these highly respected judges have to come over to apologize.

Apart from apologizing, their purpose is to hope that Qiao Nian will speak for them on social media.

Even if Qiao Nian didn't speak up for them, they still wanted to take a group photo to honor their shaky reputation... This is the reason for their apology.

To put it bluntly, what forces them to apologize is not the recognition of their mistakes, but the drive of interests.

"I understand. I'll pass on your meaning to them later." Liang Conglin knew how to stop when he saw a good deal, and immediately stopped talking.

Ye Wangchuan only glanced at him indifferently, poured a cup of tea gracefully and handed it to Nie Mi beside him: "Taste this tea."

Liang Conglin obviously found that he didn't seem to have...

He regretted that he had given the speeches for those judges, but in this position, he inevitably had some unavoidable sophistication.

Ye Wangchuan wanted to let him go, but he could only accept it with a wry smile.

After finishing her meal, Qiao Nian received a message from Continent F when she left the restaurant. She went to the side of the road to make a phone call.

"Boss, Nie Qixing's situation doesn't seem very optimistic." Daji was holding a porcelain cup and calling her to give her the latest situation in Continent after a night.

"The hospital where he lived sent many experts over overnight, and even the latest medical equipment was airlifted over."

Daji's voice was full of laughter, which seemed to be part of the excitement: "It seems that Nie Qixing hasn't woken up yet."

"En." Qiao Nian seemed indifferent, not interested in whether Nie Qixing was awake or not.

(End of this chapter)

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