Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3199 What a coincidence, there is a small pill on the black market that can save

Chapter 3199 What a coincidence, there is a small pill on the black market that can save

Daji simply talked about something she was more interested in: "Didn't the Nie family also come to Continent F? What's interesting is that the head of the Nie family doesn't seem to have the same heart with Nie Qingru. This is because the queen at home is busy with things in the hospital. He privately contacted many forces to make friends. He... also gave me a gift by the way."

You must know that they were the murderers who caused Nie Qixing to lie on the hospital bed this time, and with Nie Qingru's domineering character, I'm afraid that he would want to strip them of their skin and cramps to relieve their hatred.

Her eldest brother secretly sent gifts to her door behind her back, which is so interesting!

"Oh? What did he give you?" Qiao Nian was really interested.

Daji glanced at the gift box he threw in the corner, and said dismissively: "What else? The head of the Nie family probably thinks that I am someone who has never seen the world. He gave me some jewelry and diamonds, and An antique wine glass in modern gold."

As a member of the hidden family, Nie Tao may be used to being arrogant with Nie Qingru, and it is not easy for him to be willing to give gifts.

But it's not uncommon for him to pile up a lot of these things into a hill.

Daji didn't take it seriously, and continued to talk to Qiao Nian in a deep voice: "However, from his actions, it can be seen that the queen of the hermit family has not had an easy two days."

"Help me keep staring at her." The girl's voice was calm but with an undeniable dignity: "As for the gift from Nie's family... Hang him first, let's see what he wants to do!"

Daji thought the same way: "Okay."

He took a sip of the boiled water in the enamel cup, and his brows and eyes stretched: "Anyway, I have news to tell you."


Pretty much what Daji said.

Nie Qingru's situation has been really bad these two days.

Although Nie Qixing didn't wake up the day she got off the plane, he was barely in a stable condition and his life was not in danger.

However, at night, Nie Qixing suddenly developed a high fever, and all functions of his body began to decline rapidly, and he was on the verge of dying.

Nie Qingru asked experts to rescue him overnight.

The man was rescued from a dangerous situation, but the experts came out and said that he did not have a strong sense of survival. If things continue like this, there may still be a possibility of infection.

Nie Qingru had no choice but to transfer a group of more famous doctors from M state, and even spent a lot of money to fly in advanced medical equipment that is not available here.

Ordinarily, so many experts and professional instruments could have saved Nie Qixing's life.

But God doesn't seem to let her go.

In the afternoon, Nie Qixing had a fever again.

At [-]:[-] p.m., the nurse found out that his body temperature was abnormal, and the infusion failed to lower his temperature. Instead, his fever got worse until [-]:[-] p.m.

Nie Qixing had a high fever of 38°.

Accompanied by a high fever came a series of complications, and a team of experts from several different fields immediately held a meeting to study his condition.

After discussing for a long time, I did not come up with a feasible plan.

Someone suggested a medicine, which gave Nie Qingru a glimmer of hope.

"I've seen a kind of medicine before. It's a small white pill that circulates on the black market. It has no clear effect, but it can enhance the body's functions. Maybe it will be useful."

"Where can I buy the medicine you're talking about?" Nie Qingru hasn't had a good rest for the past two days, her voice is inevitably hoarse and rustling, and she sounds extremely sinister.

The person who proposed this medicine was an infection specialist, and upon seeing the situation, he could only say cautiously: "This medicine used to be sold on the black market, and now it is relatively rare, but if you look for it, you should be able to find it..."

(End of this chapter)

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