Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3200 The probability of getting the medicine from Miss Nian is 0

Chapter 3200 The probability of getting the medicine from Miss Nian is 0
Nie Qingru raised her chin and told the people under her command: "Go and check."


The little pills on the black market have a big reputation.

After a while, the person she sent to investigate came back.

"Queen, we found it."

"Huh? Where?"

"This kind of small pill was circulated on the market before, but since a year ago, this small pill has not appeared on the black market. Everyone knows the magic of this medicine, so people who have this medicine are very low-key. Hidden, it is difficult to find a specific buyer." He said softly.

Nie Qingru furrowed her brows fiercely, her cold eyes fell on him, and she said impatiently: "If you can't find a buyer, you don't know how to check the seller?! Even this needs me to teach you."

"It's... because..." The man's face turned pale, his back was covered with cold sweat, and he still stuttered, unable to speak for a long time.

Seeing that the expression on Nie Qingru's face became more and more impatient, more and more serious.

"I'll do it." Shadow stepped forward, motioning for the man to step back.

"…Yes Yes."

The man felt relieved, glanced at the shadow gratefully, pursed his lips and hid aside.

Nie Qingru saw a subtlety in the interaction between the two, narrowed her eyes dangerously, raised her hand to adjust the shawl on her body, and said slowly: "Tell me, what's going on."


Shadow didn't go around in circles: "Queen, we found out that the seller of the small pills is... Qiao Nian."

He really didn't beat around the bush.

It's just that this is obviously the last name Nie Qingru doesn't want to hear.

"is her?"

Nie Qingru was inevitably surprised.

Shadow continued to lower his head: "Yes. Do you still remember the miraculous doctor that Tianchen found for you when you had a migraine?"

"I thought she just obtained a fake identity to save Lu Zhi." Nie Qingru remained expressionless.

She remembers it.

That was the first time Qiao Nian saw her.

From those rebellious eyes, she smelled the smell of the Ji family's evil breed at a glance. The arrogant arrogance that the Ji family can't hide is vividly displayed in the young girl!

Compared with the season she was born with.

In a way, Qiao Nian is more like Ji Wu Falcon.

That kind of indifference, watching the world with cold eyes, and paying attention to every penny, anyone who dares to provoke her will definitely pay back a hundred times, and she refuses to suffer for a long time.

"That's not a false identity." Seeing her complexion turn sour, Shadow took a breath and said in a low voice, "She is indeed a well-known miracle doctor around the city on the black market. And the reason why this miracle doctor is so famous on the black market is because She knows how to make medicines. She is close friends with Zhong Liuliu from the Pharmacy Association, some of the medicines she made are praised by Zhongliu Liu... That little pill is one of them..."


This is really not good news.

Nie Qingru put her hands on her forehead, closed her eyes and thought for a while: "I asked her directly, how likely is it that she will give it to me?"

Shadow peeked at her expression, a little distressed but helpless and said: "...the probability is 0."

Nie Qingru opened her eyes and looked at him with strong and arrogant eyes: "0?"

Facing her questioning, Ying Ying had to tell the truth: "As far as the relationship between you and her is concerned, it's okay if she doesn't know. We may still get the medicine through other channels. If we let her know that only this medicine can save Qi If there is less, she may block our drug purchase channels without hesitation."

It's not the scariest thing.

(End of this chapter)

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