Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3201 Tell her I can save her daughter

Chapter 3201 Tell her I can save her daughter

The most frightening thing is that Qiao Nian, as a well-known miracle doctor on the black market, is also the owner of the small pills. She has the ability to shut up those who buy medicines.

After all, those people still want her.

People, at a certain age, only this magic medicine can attract them more than benefits!
"Heh." Nie Qingru really didn't expect that someone would force her to such a degree one day.

She smiled at the corners of her lips, but her mind was spinning quickly, and she immediately asked Shadow: "I remember that she has a second aunt, do you have a grudge against her?"

"You mean..." Shadow immediately understood.

Nie Qingru has only trusted someone around him for so many years, and she still has a certain emotional foundation for him, and her anger softened: "I asked her directly for medicine, but she would definitely not give it. I can only start with people around her. If it is What about the needs of her loved ones that she cares about?"

When Nie Qingru mentioned this, her heart softened a little and hardened again.

"Those people are different from me after all. It's not that they only found out about her existence later, and they haven't seen her for more than ten years."

"She cares about those people very much, more important than her mother's own brother! Ridiculous."

Shadow just listened to it, and didn't dare to say anything to irritate her.

He understood Nie Qingru's hatred for Ji's family, and also understood the pain she had to choose between her own daughter and power...

Qiao Nian always talks about seasons.

If she had known the truth back then, she probably wouldn't have opposed the Queen like this.

After all, the queen was also a victim.

Nie Qingru was also upset and said that she would not indulge in negative emotions, so she immediately told him: "Go and contact her second aunt."

Shadow raised his head slightly, and watched her speak seriously with both eyes.

Nie Qingru pulled off the shawl, frowned again, disgusted: "Tell her, as long as she helps me with this matter. I can promise her one request, any request is fine, as long as it is within my ability guilt, including saving her daughter!"

Shadow had already made Qiao Nian's family background a background for her.

It's not surprising that Nie Qingru knew about Tang Wanru and Jiang Xianrou, including Qiao Nian's life experience in the first 18 years, Nie Qingru knew everything about it.

Except for some things that Qiao Nian didn't want people to know, such as the things that made a lot of noise before, she didn't deliberately hide them.

So Nie Qingru is also aware of Tang Wanru's grievances with Qiao Nian, as well as Jiang Xianrou who is still serving her sentence in a women's prison...

Shadow bowed and said goodbye: "I'll do it right away."

Nie Qingru was in a bad mood, so she just waved: "Go."

As soon as the shadow left, a group of Nie family members led by Nie Tao rushed from the residence to the hospital.

They saw Nie Qingru in the corridor.

Led by Nie Tao, a large group of men and women surrounded them in a mighty manner.

Nie Tao looked worried, and asked Nie Qingru: "I heard Qixing is not doing well? Are you okay? Didn't we call so many experts here, and none of them are useful?"

Nie Qingru clearly knew that he was not sincere, but it was not easy to expose it directly, so she put on a cold face and replied casually: "You are fine, I have already figured out a way."

Nie Tao was so disappointed that he forced himself to smile: "That's good, as long as people are fine."

The rest of the Nie family couldn't pretend like he did, except that they didn't write "I'm not dead" on their faces. They were so disappointed. Surrounded by so many people, I didn't see anyone who was still pretending like Nie Tao. He looked as if he wished Nie Qixing would die today.

(End of this chapter)

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