Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3204 Your grandfather is dying

Chapter 3204 Your grandfather is dying


Jiang Li just finished filming the magazine and waved goodbye to the editor-in-chief before getting into the nanny car.

The phone that the assistant kept for him rang.

"Brother Li, your phone number." The assistant hastily handed him the phone.

When Jiang Li took the phone, he casually asked, "Who is it?"

The assistant remembered the incoming call on the screen that she saw from the corner of her eye, and she was not sad, and said casually, "It seems to be your mother."

Who knew that when Jiang Li heard these two words, he suppressed the playful expression on his face, frowned, and his expression became serious.

"Why is she calling me?"

He has always had a cynical personality, but the sudden change made the people in the nanny car very unaccustomed to it.

The ringtone of the mobile phone is still ringing persistently in the car.

The assistant finally realized that he might not have a good relationship with his family, so he stopped the magazine clothes he was sorting out and asked him softly, "Brother Li, aren't you answering the phone?"

Jiang Li was still wearing make-up on his face, which outlined his peach blossom eyes and made him even more affectionate. This appearance is considered a top-notch existence in the entertainment industry.

No wonder he has so many fans.

Jiang Li stared at the word 'Mom' that jumped on the phone screen for a few seconds, frowned, opened the door and jumped out of the car, without turning his head, he said to the people in the car: "Wait for me to get off, I'll go to the side Get on the phone."


He didn't get very far.

He picked up Tang Wanru's call on the lawn not far from the nanny's car: "Hello."

Originally, I thought that it was Tang Wanru's nagging complaints that greeted him again, or asking him to find Niannian to beg for mercy and release Jiang Xianrou...

Unexpectedly, this time was different from what he thought.

"Jiang Li, something happened." Tang Wanru's voice was flustered, with crying.

Jiang Li suddenly closed the corners of his eyes, stood up straight, and said in a deep voice, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Your grandpa...Grandpa Ni has a sudden cerebral congestion and was admitted to the hospital." Tang Wanru brought the sad news.

Jiang Li's temples were throbbing wildly, the knuckles of his hands gripping the phone turned white, he gritted his teeth hard, and immediately asked, "Which hospital is grandpa in? I'll go there right away!"

He said walking back.

But Tang Wanru said on the phone: "The doctor said that he wanted a small pill. It's the medicine your grandfather took before... Do you still have that medicine at home? You can bring some here first."

"...You mean the medicine that Niannian gave you?" Jiang Li stopped abruptly, his eyes turned strange.

He knows the medicine.

Sanwu health care products, Qiao Nian told the old man that they are special products around the city, the kind that are not worth much and have no packaging. Every time she comes back, she will give the old man a glass bottle.

Why did the doctors in the hospital know about this medicine?Still want this medicine by name?
When he doubted.

Tang Wanru took a strong dose of medicine: "I sent your grandpa here with the people from the nursing home. The nurse in the nursing home told the doctor. Is there any medicine at home? Your about to die!"

... People are dying?

Jiang Li swayed, and his face suddenly turned an inch pale. Fortunately, he quickly grabbed the door of the nanny's car and barely held it.

He thought about it carefully: "It seems that there is no such medicine at home."

This time Qiao Nian came back temporarily, so he didn't give the old man any medicine.

Tang Wanru immediately said: "Where's Qiao Nian? You go to her to get a few first, she definitely has them!"

Jiang Ligang asked, "Did the doctor say that this medicine is necessary?"

"Your grandfather has been taking it, and the effect is quite good... This is not a sudden brain congestion, the doctor said to try..."

(End of this chapter)

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