Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3205 Jiangli, where is the medicine

Chapter 3205 Jiangli, where is the medicine

Tang Wanru didn't give him too much time to think, and hurriedly urged him on the phone: "Hurry up, come here as soon as you get the medicine. Don't be too late!"

"..." Jiang Li wanted to say something else.

There was already a beep on the other end of the phone.

He was holding the phone, and his face looked really bad.

The staff in the nanny's car were all looking at him, but Jiang Li didn't care, so he dug out the phone number of old man Jiang in the address book and called him.

Shut down.

He took a deep breath, and then called the doctor who usually took care of Mr. Jiang.

Also shut down.

Two phones in a row are turned off.

Jiang Li was a little skeptical at first, but now he has to worry about what happened to Jiang Weishang.

He quickly got into the car, closed the door, and said to the driver in a deep voice, "Let's go to Rhine first."

"Brother Li, we still have a job to do next..." The assistant wanted to remind him that there was a radio recording job to do next.

Jiang Li was holding a mobile phone in one hand and was about to call Qiao Nian, without raising his head, he said, "Push it. I will pay liquidated damages, whatever it is."

He said so.

The assistant is not a blind person, so I stopped bothering him and contacted the agent to talk about the unexpected situation here.

Two 10 minutes later.

Jiang Li's nanny drove to the outside of Rhine's apartment.

Qiao Nian just rushed back from the place to eat, and was standing on the side of the road waiting for him.

Just as Jiang Li's car stopped, he opened the door and went straight to the girl standing by the side of the road, and asked her anxiously, "Nian Nian, that medicine..."

Qiao Nian was wearing a peaked cap, without much nonsense, he took out a glass bottle from his body and handed it to him.

His anxious expression was reflected in his cold eyes, and he couldn't help but darken, his voice was rarely obscured: "Which hospital is grandpa in?"

Jiang Li only told her on the phone that Jiang Weishang had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and went to the hospital, and was in urgent need of small pills...

But the time was tight, and I didn't say which hospital I was in.

She came back from Independent Island in a hurry this time, and she didn't have time to make small pills.

So she went to Weilou to get the medicine as soon as she received the call. Fortunately, Weilou still had the medicine in hand, so it wasn't too bad.

But to Qiao Nian, the sudden brain congestion of Mr. Jiang was a very bad thing...

Her mood almost hit rock bottom.

And this news was told by Jiang Li.

Jiang Li is not a person who would joke about this kind of thing.

Qiao Nian was lying when she said that she was not in a hurry.

"No.1 civilian hospital." Jiang Li got the medicine and got ready to get in the car: "You can go with me."

"it is good."

Without any delay, Qiao Nian immediately followed him.


Wait for the nanny's car to drive outside the hospital.

Only then did Jiang Li realize that he hadn't asked which emergency room Yu Yu was in.

He got out of the car, he didn't care about his star status, he didn't wear a hat, he just put on a mask for himself, and jumped down to call Tang Wanru.

"I'm here, I got the medicine."

He said hurriedly, "Mom, where are you?"

"Let me look for you." Tang Wanru didn't say the exact location, but asked where he was: "Where are you?"

"..." Jiang Li frowned, and wanted to say that it would be faster for him to go directly, but thinking that wasting time with her on the phone would only delay the old man's condition even more.

So I reported where the car was parked.

He didn't stand outside for long.

I saw Tang Wanru hurrying out of the consultation hall of the hospital. She looked dignified and elegant, well-dressed, and her hair was not messed up. She didn't look anxious at all on the phone.

Jiang Li frowned.

It didn't make him think about it, though.

Tang Wanru had already walked in front of him and reached out to him: "Jiang Li, where's the medicine?"

(End of this chapter)

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