Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3217 Someone may have a way

Chapter 3217 Someone may have a way
Ye Maoshan sighed: "I understand."

He wanted to fight for breath.

But Master Cheng has already said that, so it is not easy for him to say anything.

"I..." Ye Maoshan was about to wave his hand to let everyone go.

Suddenly there was a different voice.

"Since the other party came to the door, we can't hide."

Ye Maoshan frowned, and when he raised his eyes, he saw his brat straighten up slowly, raised his eyes, walked to the center, and said casually.

Ye Wangchuan's voice was deep and soothing but possessed undeniable magic power: "The news about the Tsar has spread, we can hide for a while, but we can't hide forever. The other party failed to achieve his goal this time, and next time, next time... Only with strength To make them shut up!"

Ye Maoshan's eyelids twitched violently, and he said to him angrily: "You think we old men don't know what you said? You said it lightly. If something happens in the middle, who will be responsible? Can you Responsible?"

He didn't give Ye Wangchuan a chance to answer the question at all, and said angrily: "Don't tell me you can! You still can't afford this responsibility."

After Ye Maoshan finished speaking, he seemed a little tired, with a tired expression, he raised his hand and waved: "I'm discussing with Master Cheng about how to reject them. You can go back!"

He only left behind Master Cheng, Wei Mingxuan, Bo Zheng and others.

There is a great intention to drive Ye Wangchuan and the others away.

Bo Jingxing left his seat, ready to pull Qin Si out first.

Who knows that Wei Mingxuan also said at this moment: "Old Ye, actually, I think what Ye Shao said makes sense. We can discuss it further..."

"...Why do you even say that?"

Ye Maoshan had made up his mind at first, but now he wavered again.

He looked at Wei Mingxuan, and still thinking about it, he said, "Do you have any other method? A good method to ensure the safety of the Tsar and Master Cheng."

Wei Mingxuan shook his head: "I can't help it."

He can't help it.

But he had thought of this earlier.

Wei Mingxuan took the initiative to mention it: "But I guess someone might have a good idea."

When Weilou walked to the door, he heard his father talking to Mr. Ye, mentioning 'there is a person', his heart throbbed inexplicably, and he turned his head thoughtfully.

Ye Maoshan really asked: "Who?"

Wei Mingxuan was about to say his name.

There was a 'knock knock' knock on the door.

Immediately afterwards came the girl's cold voice: "Sorry for the interruption."

Wei Mingxuan turned his head suddenly, and saw the girl standing at the door. The girl was against the light, and the light blurred her outline, unable to hide the wanton flamboyance on her body.

"Miss Qiao." Wei Mingxuan saw who was coming, and immediately stood up to greet her like a gentleman: "Come in."

"En." Qiao Nian just walked over the guard building.

Ye Maoshan also came to his senses, and he was very surprised: "You mean Nian Nian?"

Surprised, he immediately thought about it, and felt that Wei Mingxuan's thought of Qiao Nian was not unbelievable, and it made sense.

Wei Mingxuan personally gave up his seat to the girl, with a calm expression on his elegant face: "You sit here with me."

Qiao Nian didn't really take his seat, and said politely, "I'll just stand."

After all, Wei Mingxuan is Wei Lou's father, even if she is half an elder, she will not be disrespectful to her elders.

A trace of appreciation flashed across Wei Mingxuan's eyes, and he became more and more satisfied. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his sluggish son not far away, and sighed silently.

He personally admired Qiao Nian very much, and wished he could take her home to be his daughter-in-law, but it was a pity that his son did not live up to expectations, what could he do?
(End of this chapter)

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