Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3218 Sister Nian and Master Wang thought of 1 yuan

Chapter 3218 Sister Nian and Master Wang want to go together

Wei Lou didn't know that he was disgusted by his father in a short period of time, so he didn't leave, and turned back: "Why did you find Qiao Xiaonian?"

Wei Mingxuan looked at him with a straight face: "I still need to explain to you what I do?"

Wei Lou was angry: "I didn't mean that."

When Qiao Nian knocked on the door, she saw many acquaintances inside. After greeting each one, she caught a glimpse of Ye Fanchuan, so she raised her eyebrows and walked over.

"Didn't Gu San say that you went to the Ninth Institute?"

Ye Wangchuan was not surprised to see her: "It's about the Nine Institutes."


Qiao Nian guessed it all.

During their short exchange, Ye Maoshan couldn't hold back and said to Qiao Nian first: "Nian Nian, do you know what happened this time?"

This happened quite suddenly, did the brat tell Qiao Nian early in the morning?

Ye Maoshan glanced at the lazy man uncertainly, unable to make up his mind for a while.

Qiao Nian looked away from Ye Wangchuan, and faced the old man's question, he said seriously, "No, I don't know."

She paused, then looked at Wei Mingxuan again: "Uncle Wei called me here."

Wei Mingxuan nodded to her in a friendly manner, then turned his head and confessed to Mr. Ye: "I asked Ms. Qiao to come here. The incident happened so suddenly that I didn't have time to tell her about it."

Qiao Nian put one hand in his pocket, wanted to pull off his peaked cap, but felt that it was inappropriate to have so many elders around, so he didn't do it, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What happened to the Ninth Institute?"

Ye Maoshan came when he saw her, and he was his family again.

Just told her about the notice I received in the morning.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is not a big deal. It is a large-scale weapons exhibition, inviting nine institutes to participate, and naming the newly developed project of the nine institutes-the Tsar.

This weapons exhibition was initiated by State M, and the invitation letter sent to the Nine Institutes was very rude, saying that they could not participate if they were afraid...

The other party was clearly provoking them, but Mr. Ye and Master Cheng still wanted to reject them because they were afraid of the other party's tricks.

Qiao Nian quickly figured out the ins and outs of the matter. Under everyone's gaze, he slowly raised his hand to cover the brim of his hat: "Why do we hide? Hiding will only make them think we are afraid. The more we are afraid, the more they will Hold on to it. Only hit back hard! They know it hurts, so they will use their brains before speaking next time."

Ye Maoshan's frowning brows slowly loosened, and he couldn't help but smile: "You girl..."

He turned his head and looked at someone again, smiling all over his face: "Someone just said the same thing to you, and that's what he meant."

When Qiao Nian heard him say that there was someone, and the direction of his eyes was next to her, he knew who the 'someone' was.

She could feel the gaze on her body gradually changing from being serious to gossip and teasing. She rubbed the space between her eyebrows, thinking it was poisonous.

However, facing the serious matter, Qiao Nian was more serious. He met Mr. Ye's eyes and said after a pause, "I know who is behind M state who initiated this matter."

"You know?" Ye Maoshan was surprised.

Qiao Nian's face was cold and serious, her eyes were sharp, and she said in a slightly irritable tone, "I know. She's probably prepared for a long time this time, and she won't give up easily."

Nie Qingru lay dormant for so long, and never made a move.

This time it was rare to take the lead and force Master Cheng and the Nine Institutes to participate in the weapons exhibition in the name of State M, how could it be possible for them to shirk easily.

(End of this chapter)

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