Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3219 How is the preparation for what I asked you to prepare?

Chapter 3219 How is the preparation for what I asked you to prepare?
The provocative invitation letter that Mr. Ye mentioned was just an introduction. If they refused, Nie Qingru might have other means to coerce them to participate.

Instead of avoiding it, it is better to hit it head-on.

Let's see what Nie Qingru wants to do.

Seeing her saying the same thing, Ye Maoshan fell into deep thought.

He thought for a while, with a serious expression on his hale and wise face, and read to Qiao: "This matter involves a lot, and I can't reply to you right away."

"I know." Qiao Nian is not an ignorant person.

Ye Maoshan nodded, and said with a smile: "After I discuss it with Master Cheng, I will tell you the result."

Qiao Nian had no objection: "Okay."

Ye Maoshan was ready to discuss with Master Cheng again, so he urged the others to leave first.

Wei Mingxuan represented the middle-aged generation, so he stayed with Bo Zheng to participate in this discussion.

Ye Wangchuan, Wei Lou and others went out together with Qiao Nian.

Bao Jingxing and the others walked in front, and Qiao Nian walked in the back.

Ye Wangchuan was also with her, raised his eyes to look at the person in front of him, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Do you think it was Nie Qingru's fault?"

When Qiao Nian heard the name 'Nie Qingru', she raised her eyebrows slightly, her pupils were extremely dark, and the corners of her lips curled up with a hint of coolness: "After all, she is the queen of the hidden family, how could she be overwhelmed by us every time."

"It would be strange if she kept silent."

It would be scary if Nie Qingru stayed dormant.

She showed the cards in her hand like now, and they can slowly play with her...

Ye Wangchuan's eyes sparkled with a smile, and he didn't answer any more, but he thought the same as Qiao Nian, and felt that it was much better for Nie Qingru to play cards directly than to lie dormant all the time.

Qin Si watched them whispering in front of them, and urged the two of them with a disgusted face after eating dog food: "Master Wang, sister Qiao. Hurry up, let's eat."

Qiao Nian stopped talking about Nie Qingru, and followed her with narrowed eyes.

the other side.

Nie Qingru's plane landed at M Continent Airport after a whole day of tossing.

She made a big fight this time.

As soon as the plane landed, the ground crew was ready.

A special rescue vehicle picked up Nie Qixing and immediately sent him to a special nursing facility.

But even so, Nie Qixing's condition is definitely not good.

He had just woken up, and if it wasn't for Nie Qingru's order, at least he would have to rest in the hospital for a while before being discharged.

But because of Nie Qingru's request, he had to turn around and fly to Continent M while his body was still in severe pain, and there was a lot of trouble on the way.

If he hadn't been in the prime of life and was in good health before, even the bumpy road would have cost him half his life.

Shadow watched Nie Qixing be sent away, arranged for other people, and then returned to the woman who just got off the plane, and said in a deep voice: "Queen, that woman in Beijing is still contacting you, and wants you to fulfill her promise to let her daughter go out."

This is also the condition they promised others before.

Who knew that a trace of contempt and mockery quickly slipped across Nie Qingru's face, and she put on sunglasses to cover up the coldness in her eyes: "It's impossible for me to mess up all my plans for her, I can't blame others for my stupidity!"

Shadow heard her implication that she didn't intend to fulfill the promise, raised his head slightly, then immediately lowered his head: "Yes, I understand."

"Yeah." He didn't say anything that made him unhappy, and Nie Qingru glanced at him with reluctantly satisfied eyes: "How is the preparation for the weapons exhibition?"

(End of this chapter)

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