Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3233 Sister Nian: There must be a level of work!

Chapter 3233 Sister Nian: There must be a level of work!
Immediately startled the shadow, hurriedly stepped forward to support him, sweating profusely: "Young Master Qi, are you alright?"

"Doctor!" Shadow shouted back.

"I'm fine." Nie Qixing grabbed his arm and clenched it tightly.

Shadow saw that his eyes that had been empty for a long time finally had light, and said through gritted teeth: "She knows who I am, but she still does those things, it's even more unforgivable!"

Shadow originally wanted to tell him the grievances of the previous generation, but after seeing Nie Qixing filled with hatred, at least ignited the desire to survive, he suppressed all of that back to his stomach.

Nie Qixing wiped away the remaining blood on his mouth, his heart had long been eroded by hatred, he gritted his teeth, and forced out a sentence: "Is it the weapon exhibition?"

"..." Shadow twitched fiercely between his brows, helped him to sit up again, observed his expression, but didn't say anything after all.


On the other side, the front desk of the hotel hung up the phone and immediately smiled and said to Master Cheng and the others: "I'm sorry, I asked the manager. I can check you in. You don't need to wait for the staff to come and hand over. May I do it for you? "

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows, put her white hand on the front desk, curled her fingers and just tapped.

The front desk's heart was pounding, and he quickly asked Master Cheng again: "Do you need me to check in for you now?"

Master Cheng didn't answer her immediately, but looked in Qiao Nian's direction, intending to ask for her opinion.

Qiao Nian looked straight at the front desk and said casually, "Or there are only 9 rooms?"

The front desk had a natural fear of her, and he hesitated for a long time: "This...according to past achievements and regulations..."

Qiao Nian was not used to her either: "Then you should call your 'manager' again and ask if there are only 9 rooms. If so, then we will change places immediately."

The front desk didn't expect her to be so tough, so he gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage to remind her: "Madam, all the hotels that the delegations stay in are here. If you insist on changing hotels, you may not be able to participate in the weapons exhibition..."


As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the girl's frivolous sneer.

Then she raised her eyes to meet the girl's dark eyes, so deep that she seemed to be able to suck her in: "Who told you that we are begging to participate in the weapon exhibition?"

The front desk of the hotel was stunned: "..." Could it be that they begged to participate?

This is the highest exhibition of scientific research weapons in various regions, and it is an honor to participate.

Qiao Nian said: "Go back and ask the people behind you. Zuo has a certain level, I'm not that good-tempered and I will always spoil her."

"..." The front desk was rendered speechless by her words.

Qiao Nian raised her head slightly, revealing that exquisite and overly delicate face, without emotion: "I'll give her 3 minutes to think about it. If she wants to play these little tricks again, I will take her back immediately. I won't stay for a second longer! "

"Okay, you can call her, it's best to ask her clearly this time."


Although the hotel receptionist felt aggrieved, under the strong aura of the girl, he instinctively picked up the internal phone and dialed that number again.

She euphemistically told the 'manager' what Qiao Nian said.

I don't know how the person on the other end responded. After the front desk hung up the phone, the whole person became more restrained, and his attitude was very respectful.

He raised his head and said to Master Cheng and others: "I'm sorry, the hotel has rooms. We will still arrange rooms for you according to the room written in the previous flow sheet."

(End of this chapter)

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