Chapter 3234 Ms. Qiao

She stretched out her hand this time, not daring to mention any staff members, and said to Master Cheng very well: "Please give me your check-in information, and I will go through the formalities for you right away."

Considering the weapons exhibition, Master Cheng finally handed back to her what he had given her before: "The room..."

He just raised his head, and the front desk quickly said: "They are all single business suites, please rest assured."

Qin Si smacked his mouth and reached out to touch his earlobe. When Master Cheng got the room card and distributed it to him, he took the room card and glanced in the direction of the girl.

Qiao Nian also got a room card, the room is next to Ye Wangchuan, and next to Master Cheng's room... the location is not bad.

She put away the room card, turned her head and looked back at the front desk: "Is there no one to help us with our luggage?"

The front desk already saw that she was not easy to mess with, and even the members of the Hidden World Family seemed to be very afraid of the girl in front of them, so she naturally didn't dare to pretend to be stupid, and immediately said, "I'll call someone to get it right away."

As he said that, he called the hotel waiters outside and asked them to come down to help the Beijing delegation with their suitcases...

Luo Qing saw that it was difficult for them to check in from the beginning, and now someone helped carry the luggage, so they just need to go back to the room to rest.

He grinned suddenly, leaned close to Bo Zheng's ear and whispered, " must be Ms. Qiao."

Bo Zheng glanced at him, put his hand against his face and pushed it away, and said calmly: "I'm afraid there is a relationship that we don't know about."

Luo Qing was puzzled and said, "What's the relationship?"

Bo Zheng didn't say clearly: "Look, I'm afraid this weapons exhibition will not go so smoothly!"

Nie Qingru received the news that Qiao Nian and his party had successfully moved in in the afternoon, and also learned about Qiao Nian's tough attitude from Shadow.

She didn't have much emotional turmoil. She put away the document in her hand and said noncommittally: "This is just an appetizer. I didn't intend to rely on this to give her a long memory."

She and Qiao Nian have fought back and forth several times, and she has seen that this villain is not Ji Qing's character, and she is not so soft and easy to get along with.

The most important thing is that this wicked person doesn't see himself as a grandmother at all.

Without a layer of blood relationship, Qiao Nian really resembles that person too much!
Nie Qingru was oppressed by that person back then, and she was not free until after the death of that person.Facing an equally powerful opponent decades later, she also had the urge to avenge her shame!

"How is Qixing's situation?" Nie Qingru was able to take time out to care about Nie Qixing at this time, which showed how important Nie Qixing was in her heart.

Shadow raised his eyebrows: "Qi Shao has improved a lot, and has actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment. But he made a request, let me pass it on to you."

Nie Qingru leaned back and put her hands on the table: "Speak."

Shadow said: "He hopes to participate in this weapons exhibition."

Nie Qingru immediately looked at him, and immediately looked away, as expected: "Did you tell him that Qiao Nian is here?"

Shadow was a little terrified, the corners of his lips were tight, and he said with difficulty: "I think Qi Shao really...has no desire to survive. That's why..."

He immediately confessed to the woman sitting behind the desk: "Queen, this time I was impulsive without your permission. Please come down! I am willing to accept any punishment."

"Okay." Nie Qingru waved his hand and said indifferently: "Even if you don't tell him, I will tell him."


(End of this chapter)

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