Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3236 Sister Nian: I'm not ready

Chapter 3236 Sister Nian: I'm not ready

Qiao Nian held the phone in one hand and water in the other, leaned back on the chair and took a sip of water in a leisurely manner before his eyes fell on the screen again.

The news about Guanyan still stays on Mr. Auburn.

The girl's eyebrows are quite low, her eyelashes cover her long and narrow eyes, she looks a bit careless, her bangs are hanging down, she seems to be thinking about something.

The news of Guan Yan came again.

[Guan Yan: The old hag has moved Mr. Auburn out. sun, do you have any coping plan? 】

Qiao Nian saw a new message pop up on the dimly lit screen, and finally typed one lazily back.

Concise and concise.

Very arrogant.

[Q: No. 】


On a pier in Harbor City.

The dark clouds rolled up bursts of thunder, and the dark sea level was surging with dark tides, and from time to time there were stormy waves beating on the deck.

Many guests hid in the cabin, lest they be swept away by the waves.

There was only a slender woman lying on the railing of the deck, and she had no intention of going in to hide.

She has beautiful curly chestnut hair. From a distance, her fair skin contrasts sharply with the occasional waves on the deck.

It's so beautiful!

Some people hiding in the cabin noticed that no one had come in on the deck, and several of the men noticed the amazing beauty of the woman on the deck.

They looked at each other.

Someone is gearing up to go out and strike up a conversation.

"Beautiful..." The lady didn't finish.

A black gun was pressed against his forehead, and the big man who wanted to approach him quickly noticed that there were other people on the deck, wearing black clothes and trousers, with only a striking logo on his chest, which marked S.

The 1.8-meter tall man saw the red S mark, and his legs were frightened.

Trembling, he said, "Diamond, big brother Diamond..."

This harbor city is close to Continent F, and belongs to a small area of ​​no-regulation. People from many continents like to buy goods here.

But in this lawless place, it also has its own rules.

Like, don't mess with people wearing the S logo.

Because these people represent the African diamond boss and the forces of the Hongmeng in the illegal area!

He never thought that a very beautiful looking woman on the deck would have something to do with the S organization, and the strong man regretted it now.

With his lessons learned, the other men hiding in the cabin no longer dared to use their brains, and they were all thankful that they were not lustful.

Otherwise, the person whose head is pressed now would be himself.

"Boss, what should we do with this man?" The Hongmeng people controlled the strong man who ran to the deck without authorization, and turned to ask the woman.

Guan Yan was still immersed in Qiao Nian's very natural and confident words of 'not prepared', unable to recover for a long time.

Fortunately, she also noticed that there was an uninvited guest on the deck, so she reluctantly turned her head, glanced at the frightened strong man with amorous almond eyes, and didn't bother to dirty her hands: "Let it go."

The strong man couldn't believe what he heard.

It is simply the sound of nature.

He bit his tongue: "Thank you, thank you."

Guan Yan didn't talk to him anymore, but muttered in his mouth: "Damn, you're not prepared? At least you have to have a plan. No, I have to talk to her."

The strong man couldn't understand what she was saying, so he watched Guan Yan and went to the other side to play with his mobile phone and send messages without stopping.

10 minute later.

Qiao Nian, who was far away in the M State Hotel, took a cold shower, and saw a long-winded message from someone on his mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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