Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3237 Master Wang has a friend who is coming to M state

Chapter 3237 Master Wang has a friend who is coming to M state

It probably means that the Mr. Auburn whom Kopne Qingru found this time is so awesome, so she should not take it lightly.

Qiao Nian just came out of the shower, her hair was still wet on her shoulders, she dragged a chair over with one hand and sat down, read the message from Guan Yan, put her phone there first, found a hair dryer to dry her hair first...

While she was drying her hair, the screen of her mobile phone lit up again.

Qiao Nian glanced sideways and saw that it was her message that popped up.

[Guan Yan: Boss, did you listen to me? 】


This kind of perseverance... The girl finally put down the hair dryer, picked up the phone again and returned it to her first: [Look and talk! 】

The last exclamation mark is the key point.

Guan Yan's side becomes inputting again.

Qiao Nian wanted to block her.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Come in." She just raised her eyes and responded casually.

The doorbell was still ringing.

Qiao Nian frowned, and paused for a second before remembering that she was staying in a hotel, and people outside could not get in without a room card.

She rubbed her temples, got up and went to open the door.

Ye Wangchuan was neatly dressed and stood at the door, seeing that she was wearing a long T-shirt that had just been washed after taking a shower, revealing two straight and beautiful legs underneath.

His gaze stayed there for a moment, but he retracted it in a very gentlemanly manner, followed the girl into the room, and helped her close the door by the way.

"Is there any arrangement later?"


After Qiao Nian came in, she went back to the chair in the leisure area and sat down, tied up her hair that was seven or eight times dry, and gently raised her eyelids upon hearing this.

"Is something wrong?"

"I want to take you to meet someone."

Ye Wangchuan came over and touched the end of her hair with his hand, and found that it was still a little wet, so he dragged a chair over, brought the hair dryer along with him, plugged it in naturally, and let her untangle her hair and blow it again.

The air blown by the hair dryer is warm and not uncomfortable.

Qiao Nian habitually raised her head slightly, squinted her long and narrow eyes, and said lazily, "Do you still have friends here?"

Ye Wangchuan ran his fingers through the girl's thick black hair, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the eyes were filled with tiny light like a star river falling: "He happened to be here on business, so he made an appointment for dinner with me. I think If there is no arrangement, I will take you to get to know each other."

"Hmm." Qiao Nian replied lazily, feeling like she was about to fall asleep.

Ye Wangchuan let go of the gentle movements of his hands, and said with a warm smile: "Of course I introduce you as girlfriends."

Qiao Nian was blown drowsy by the warm wind from the hair dryer, but when he heard this, a string in his head tightened and his eyes opened.

"All right."

At this time, Ye Wangchuan also dried her hair, and simply tied it up with clumsy movements, barely looking the same as before.

He himself was quite satisfied, and he lowered his eyes and smiled and said, "Then God Qiao, will you have time to enjoy it later?"

Qiao Nian thought about the next arrangement, as if there was nothing important to do in the afternoon, so she rested her chin on her hand and nodded casually: "What time?"

Seeing the tired look in her eyes, Ye Wangchuan felt a little reluctant to make her work too hard, but this time, friends are very important, and he hoped to introduce the two of them to meet.He could only say in a deep voice, "Can I do it now?"

Qiao Nian was a little surprised: "Now?"

"Well, his plane will arrive soon."

Ye Wangchuan nodded, showing some helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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