Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3243 Head-to-head confrontation

Chapter 3243 Head-to-head confrontation
If Nie Qingru hadn't been looking at Master Auburn behind her, she would have crushed her to death without hesitation based on her words and deeds at night.Just for the benefit, she endured it stubbornly: "You Auburn family like this kind of performance art?"

This question is very sharp.

Daisy immediately looked back and shook her head very calmly: "No, I don't like it."

Nie Qingru twitched her temples again, fearing that she would die of anger, so she stood up and said to the two, "I'll go out and wash my hands."

There was still a shadow in the box, so Nie Qingru felt more at ease when she left.

It was only after she walked out of the box that she felt like she was breathing fresh air, her expression relaxed a little, but her mood didn't feel much better.

As for Daisy's performance tonight, she originally wanted to match the two, but now she is a little bit off.

This Daisy is indeed Mr. Auburn's favorite granddaughter, but at this moment, Nie Qingru's evaluation of her is not only mediocre, but also a little disgusted, lacking vision and low EQ.

She wanted to find a powerful ally for Nie Qixing.

But this Daisy...

As Nie Qingru was walking towards the bathroom, her eyes were dark and she was thinking about how to get Nie Qixing to join Mr. Auburn through Daisy.

Just as she was thinking, she ran into someone head-on.

"Sorry." The other party dodged quickly, and spoke first with a hoarse voice.

However, Nie Qingru heard the voice very familiar, and couldn't help but look over, and saw that the person who almost passed her and bumped into it was not someone else.

It was the face she had often dreamed about in her dreams recently.

"Joe Nian?"

Nie Qingru didn't expect to meet her here, and her bad mood suddenly became clouded.

Especially when she saw the girl's face that was somewhat similar to someone, she felt disgusted and disgusted from the bottom of her heart, making her wish to reach out and strangle the person in front of her.

"Why are you here?" Since he didn't like it, Nie Qingru's tone was definitely not good.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she used a condescending and accusatory tone, as if this was her territory, and Qiao Nian needed her permission to come here, otherwise she would come here secretly.

She herself is so ignorant, the girl obviously has no intention of spoiling her.

After seeing clearly who the person she met was, the girl just raised her eyebrows in surprise, and when she looked at her again, her gaze was calm: "I can be where I want."

"Besides, since I've already come to State M, I will encounter many accidents like this in the future." Her tone was slightly raised, full of arrogance and carelessness: "If it's not necessary, I hope the Queen can pretend that she didn't see me. Don't say hello to me, so as not to be misunderstood."

In fact, it's okay if she doesn't say this, Nie Qingru originally thought so, and she didn't want people to know her relationship with Qiao Nian.

But Qiao Nian took the initiative to bring this up, but Nie Qingru's face darkened, and she gritted her teeth and reminded her: "I'm your grandma!"

But the girl just plucked her ears carelessly, and glanced at her impatiently: "Keep your voice down, be careful not to be overheard."

There are indeed people passing by here, and if you don't pay attention, you will be heard.

Nie Qingru didn't feel the feeling of being cared for, only a strong... provocation.

It was her who should be avoided!
She didn't mean it yet.

Qiao Nian what kind of attitude is this!


Before she could figure it out, the girl waved her hand, only leaving her a handsome back, and walked away without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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