Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3244 Hey, isn't that my grandpa's car?

Chapter 3244 Hey, isn't that my grandpa's car?
This arrogant and domineering attitude.

Nie Qingru's face was livid with anger on the spot, and it took a long time to straighten the shawl on her shoulders, and returned to their box with a sullen face.

For the next half hour, she was absent-minded, barely speaking.

Daisy was originally a chat genius, and Nie Qixing and Ying Ying couldn't chat at all.

Soon the atmosphere at the dinner party became dull.

Daisy probably also felt bored, so she offered to propose: "Aunt Nie, I'm full. How about we go back?"

After all, she is from a big family, and the basic social etiquette is still there.

Before Nie Qingru could speak, she added in embarrassment: "I just got off the plane, and I still have a lot of luggage left in the hotel. I want to go back and sort it out."

Nie Qingru had been feeling overwhelmed by the meal for a long time, so she stood up, picked up her bag and told Ying, "Go and arrange to get off the bus."

"Yes, Queen."

Shadow got up immediately, pushed the door and went out.

Seeing this scene, Daisy blinked her bright eyes, turned her head to look in Nie Qingru's direction again, and offered to propose: "I think Uncle Nie is inconvenient to move, so let me push you."

Nie Qixing hated whoever mentioned his current disability the most, and immediately avoided her with a cold face, and directly refused: "No need, I can go by myself!"

Seeing him like this, Daisy twitched the corners of her mouth and stopped offering help.

Nie Qingru broke the stiff atmosphere between the two of them at this moment: "Let's go."

Nie Qixing quietly pushed the wheelchair to keep up, and Daisy walked behind, looking left and right, anyway, Nie Qixing didn't let her help, so she was happy and relaxed.

Soon a group of people came to the gate of the clubhouse and waited for the driver to drive over.

Nie Qingru was getting ready to get in the car.

At this time, Daisy, who had finally shut up after following all the way, seemed to have suddenly discovered something, pointing to a black car parked not far away and said casually: "Strange, isn't that my grandpa's car?"

Nie Qingru paused when she opened the car door, and immediately looked over: "That's Mr. Auburn's car? Are you sure?"

Daisy looked back and saw her slightly narrowed eyes, then looked again at the license plate number of the car parked not far away, and nodded: "That's my grandpa's car."

"He said he had an appointment with a friend, so he also ate here?"

"..." Nie Qingru never expected that he would get this news before he left. After thinking for a while, he immediately closed the car door and said decisively: "Since Mr. Auburn is here, we should say hello to Mr. Auburn before leaving. "

To put it bluntly, she just didn't want to make the trip for nothing!
After all, Daisy said a lot of stupid things tonight, and made herself so angry, if she just went back like this, she would be more or less reconciled.

"Go and ask the people in the clubhouse to see which box Mr. Auburn is in." Nie Qingru turned around and instructed Nie Qixing who was sitting in a wheelchair.

Then turn around.

It was rare for her to show a smile and take the initiative to win over Daisy, saying: "Daisy, you can also call Mr. Auburn to see if it is convenient for him. I will pay a visit."

At this moment, the meal in the box of Jichen Club is coming to an end.

Compared with Nie Qingru and the others who had a dull and aggrieved meal, the meal in Auburn's box was comfortable and happy.

It took nearly three hours for a meal.

Except for Qiao Nian who went out to wash his hands halfway, Auburn was chatting with Ye Wangchuan throughout the whole process.

When Qiao Nian came back, Auburn heard that she had stayed in the First Research Institute of Independent State and knew Feng Yu, who was Feng Yu's chosen successor. He became even more interested and asked her a lot about research topics .

(End of this chapter)

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