Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3260 Look, their scores will not exceed B

Chapter 3260 Look, their scores will not exceed B
His friend was also at the side, looking at the girl in the middle of the crowd, and bumped him with an elbow curiously. I don't know whether he mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally: "Didn't you say that Mr. Auburn is more familiar with Nie Qixing? It looks different from what you said what!"

Li Xin's face was not good-looking and he said stubbornly: "So what if you know each other? Hmph~ Mr. Auburn still wants to give face to the Hermit family in the end. Didn't you see that the judges changed their points when he opened his mouth?"

He was talking about Qiao Nian.

Swearing: "Look at it, if she offends the Hidden Family, she won't be able to get good grades at the weapons exhibition!"

The bearded man turned his head to look at the serious old man who was smiling and talking to Qiao Nian, feeling that things might be different from what Li Xin said.

As for the attitude shown by Mr. Auburn, it doesn't look like he wants to give face to the Hermit Family.

When their group got points, it was also the lowest score given by Mr. Auburn.

From the beginning to the end, there was no move to change the score!
Even afterwards, he seriously asked the queen to ask her not to interfere with the judges' results...Is this called saving face and good relationship?

He can eat the table.

"I bet their final score will not be higher than B." Li Xin said that he was brave, but in fact he had no idea and was very nervous.

This is related to his face and whether he can survive in the circle in the next three years.

The bearded man saw the nervousness he was trying to hide, so he didn't answer the question noncommittally, and looked straight at Qiao Nian and his party.

After a short chat with the white-haired old man, Qiao Nian pulled Master Cheng over and introduced him.

Mr. Auburn was very famous in the circle.

Master Cheng is actually not weak.

Both of them are old people who are over seventy years old, and they are leaders in the same field. After greeting each other, they are very polite to each other.

At any rate, Auburn remembered his purpose of coming here, and after a few words with Master Cheng, he got to the point: "Let's talk in private some other day. By the way, what is your project for the weapons exhibition this time? Can you introduce it to everyone?" ?”

Master Cheng said solemnly, "Of course it's convenient!"

Then he led the team, and Jiang Tianzhi and others began to introduce the Czar to the judges and the surrounding onlookers.

At first no one took them seriously.

After all, what good things can No.3 come up with.

It's nothing more than those old weapons and equipment that everyone has played with outdated, and then researched it for a long time as if it were new equipment, and made junk.

However, when Master Cheng showed the Tsar's model in front of them, there was a moment of silence in the venue, and everyone was shocked by what he brought out.

"This, can this thing be displayed casually?" Someone whispered, with surprise and shock mixed in their voices.

But almost no one paid him any attention.

Because Master Cheng not only showed them the model of the Czar, but also played on the LED screen the actual effect simulation animation of the Czar that Qiao Nian made together with him.

Although it was a computer-generated picture, everyone could see the czar flying out, crossing the Pacific Ocean in less than 5 minutes, and landing precisely on the ships parked in the bay.

With a huge explosion.

The ships on the LED screen had no power to fight back, and were directly blown to pieces!

This effect is enough to shock the people present.

Everyone knew that what was in front of them was just a dynamic picture simulated by a computer, but they seemed to feel the deterrent force of the sharp blade piercing through the eardrum.

Nie Qingru's face was extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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