Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3261 Slap in the face on the spot, your suggestion is double standard?

Chapter 3261 Slap in the face on the spot, your suggestion is double standard?
It wasn't that she didn't expect that what Master Cheng and the others took out was the Tsar, but she recognized at a glance that the simulated attack on the screen was a ship of the Hidden World Family.

Almost immediately, she narrowed her eyes and looked straight at the girl - Qiao Nian!
Nie Qingru didn't even need to guess to know who was behind the computer simulation.

Besides her, looking at the entire M state, who else is so bold as to be so provocative in front of her?

There are people everywhere.

Everyone's attention was focused on the simulated images played repeatedly on the LED screen, or they were listening to Master Cheng's calm and powerful explanation.

Nobody noticed her at all.

Nie Qingru still forcibly suppressed the anger rushing to her throat, clenched her hand by her side, took a deep breath, and said softly: "It's not good to study this kind of weapon, is it?"

Everyone was listening carefully to Master Cheng's explanation, and everyone including Mr. Oban was asking questions about the Tsar.

Only her abrupt sentence made everyone's eyes fall on her.

After all, Nie Qingru is someone who has seen big scenes. Faced with so many attentions, she gracefully took off the velvet gloves on her hands and handed them to the people around her. Lethal weapons should be studied less.”

Master Cheng didn't expect that she would criticize him from this angle, his brows furrowed, and he didn't know how to argue with her for a while.

Qiao Nian knew that some people would not keep watching quietly, so she closed her eyes half-emptyly, and said lazily, "How do I remember that the Hidden World Family did a lot of research?"

Nie Qingru also expected that she would really dare to confront her in public, and she would still defend an outsider, her face darkened immediately: "I just think everyone should advocate less research on this kind of weapon."

"I don't think it's too late to study it now, isn't it?" Qiao Nian didn't give her face, and said frivolously: "Oh, your suggestion is based on double standards. Only you can study it, and no one else should. Research?"

The people present were all human beings. From the moment Nie Qingru spoke, everyone knew in their hearts that she was looking for faults.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Nian dared to tell the truth and expose Nie Qingru's hypocrisy.

She doesn't even turn a corner, just be more tactful~
After all, Nie Qingru was the queen of the hermit family. Qiao Nian's attitude of not fearing death really surprised many people.

The scene was awkward.

No one dared to say anything.

At this moment, Auburn stood up, frowned first, then stood up straight and said to Nie Qingru in a deep voice: "All the weapons in the weapon exhibition are lethal, since they are weapons, there is no need to argue about them. It doesn't make sense or make sense."

Someone in the corner answered quietly, and said in a low voice: "That's right, I came to the weapons exhibition and demanded that the weapons are not lethal. This is not taking off my pants and farting. It's unnecessary..."

"Keep down, you don't want to live!" The people around him hurriedly covered their mouths.

However, their voices were still heard by many people.

Those who heard it couldn't help showing abusive expressions on their faces, their eyes glanced at Nie Qingru intentionally or unintentionally, and some whispered: "I think this is because they are afraid of getting high scores? Tsk, the Hidden World family is so low? Don't even have this measure?"

Someone kindly gave him science popularization: "There is a reason for this, I will tell you, it is..."

Nie Qixing's injured leg has not received good treatment, and it is still in pain, unable to get out of the wheelchair.

(End of this chapter)

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