Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3262 Can Mr. Auburn answer my questions

Chapter 3262 Can Mr. Auburn answer my questions
Sitting in a wheelchair, he heard conversations about himself from all directions.

Those topics about his clubhouse, lying, obtaining laboratory qualifications in violation of regulations have been brought up again, and some people have directly complained about the clubhouse, which has not yet been resolved.

It was obvious that the hidden family was protecting him.

There were also people who laughed at him for going to get in touch with Mr. Auburn at first, pretending to be familiar, but he was soon slapped in the face. Mr. Auburn knew Qiao Nian better!
These words, word by word, undoubtedly added salt to his wounds.

Nie Qixing's face turned pale immediately, and he firmly grasped the armrest of the wheelchair with the back of his hand so hard that his knuckles bulged and turned white.

Why is this...

Isn't the electromagnetic gun enough to prove his ability?Why did everything change when Qiao Nian appeared!

Nie Qingru originally wanted to stand on the moral high ground and interfere with the results of the competition, but Mr. Auburn took the initiative to speak for Qiao Nian and the others.

The other judges naturally saw his attitude.

After Master Cheng and the others finished their introduction and the judges scored, everyone thought about it and wrote down their own scores.

As soon as the Tsar comes out, who will fight.

The final result was not surprising. All 8 judges gave all S grades, and even Mr. Auburn, who has always been known for his strictness, also showed S grades.


The result is out!
It is impossible for someone to exceed this achievement in today's weapons exhibition.

So Master Cheng led Beijing to win the first place in this year's weapons exhibition!

When the results came out, some people took the lead in applauding.

Master Cheng was also excited beyond words, but he still restrained himself and chatted with Mr. Auburn and several other judges.

Only Li Xin in the crowd had an extremely ugly expression. He looked at the exhibition hall in Beijing in disbelief, and said in a daze, "How is it possible? How could they get the first place?"

And it's still S!

Looking at the weapons exhibition, apart from Xie Tingyun who won this score 20 years ago, no one has ever won the S score.

If there is a gap in grade between A and B.

That S is undoubtedly above all the achievements, and it is the only one there.

It's like that although Nie Qixing has an A+ grade, it's not bad to say the least, only half a point behind Master Cheng, but this half point may not be surpassed by him in his entire life...

This is the gap!
The gap between heaven and earth!

Nie Qingru never wanted to see this kind of achievement, and turned around and left the exhibition hall as soon as the weapons exhibition ended.

Just bumped into Mr. Auburn and Daisy who were also leaving.

The two arrived at the hotel at the same time, and the cars were next to each other.

When you walk, you will naturally bump into each other.

When Daisy saw Nie Qingru leaving alone, she still greeted with a smile as before: "Aunt Nie."

Nie Qingru twitched her eyebrows when she saw them. She bent down to get into the car, but stopped, after all, she couldn't hold back the breath in her heart.

Ask the white-haired old man face to face: "Mr. Auburn, I really don't understand one thing. Why do you insist on helping Beijing to step down on us?"

She didn't hide her relationship with Nie Qixing any more. She squinted her eyes very sharply, and said bluntly: "I admit that the Tsar is more amazing, but weapons in this area have existed for a long time. And the electromagnetic technology developed by Qixing Shooting is new territory, and you gave it an A-."

"I don't understand what your scoring criteria are?"

Nie Qingru was extremely domineering, staring straight at the old man and said, "Can Mr. Auburn answer my questions?"

(End of this chapter)

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