Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3263 You must know the answer, that person is Ji Qing!

Chapter 3263 You must know the answer, that person is Ji Qing!
Daisy could feel the unusual atmosphere on her body, and awkwardly pulled the corners of her mouth to smooth things over: "Aunt Nie, my grandpa..."

"The elders are talking, and the children don't interrupt." Mr. Auburn interrupted her lightly, looked directly at Nie Qingru's tough eyes, and said plainly: "I never put my personal emotions in the scoring, and I gave him an A-no Personal reasons, but I saw a railgun 20 years ago."

20 years ago...

Nie Qingru was extremely shocked: "How is it possible?!"

Mr. Auburn shook his head and took a step forward. He was not as aggressive as her, but his words seemed to cut out his heart: "I don't have to lie to you."


"As early as 20 years ago, someone showed me the semi-finished electromagnetic gun. No, it should be said that 80.00% of the electromagnetic gun has been completed. She also told me about her idea and ultimate goal. If she completes it, the finished product It should be more perfect than what I saw in the exhibition hall today!"

"Who?" Nie Qingru had a faint thought in her heart.

As soon as this thought came up, it was as if a big stone was pressed on her heart, making it difficult for her to breathe, and she was unwilling to think deeply.

The old Mr. Auburn made no secret of his disgust and contempt for her, but he also told her truthfully: "Jiqing."

"!" Nie Qingru heard the blurred shadow in her heart become reality, her body swayed, and she barely stood still with her hands on the car door.

Did Ji Qing get involved in electromagnetic guns 20 years ago?

How did she never know this?
"She is the most talented student I have ever seen, much more talented than the successor you have selected now. It's a pity that she is too soft-tempered and cares too much about other people's opinions."

Auburn was also considered one of the few insiders back then, seeing her face suddenly pale by an inch without any sympathy, he just felt extremely ridiculous.

He didn't want to blame who was right and who was wrong, but said with a sigh: "If she hadn't died early, she would have been famous all over the world for her talent and become a leading master. The achievement will not be worse than mine, and should still be above me ...It's just a pity that few people nowadays have heard of her name."

Some people take fish eyes as pearls, but throw the pearls away.

Auburn looked at her mockingly, looked away for a long time, and concluded lightly: "So I didn't mix personal feelings when I scored."

"If I mixed my feelings into it, I wouldn't give him a single point! He doesn't even deserve an F from me!"

Nie Qingru's usual decent expression finally showed a tendency to crack. Frowning, she raised her voice and said, "Mr. Auburn, I respect your identity, and I hope you can respect Qixing."

Auburn did not take her warning seriously, and said bluntly: "Be a man before you do it, and the look in his eyes is not right. The queen should take care of it if she has time! She is in her thirties , and it is impossible to rely entirely on my sister, otherwise it will never be possible to convince people."

Nie Qingru's eardrums were buzzing, he held his breath, and stood there with an embarrassed expression.

The old Mr. Auburn opened the car door, and said to her indifferently: "I won't stay in State M for a long time, so I won't talk about it if there are too many, let's take a step first."

"..." Nie Qingru was still holding on to the car door and did not speak.

He has already called his granddaughter: "Daisy, let's go."

Daisy came back to her senses, waited for him to get in the car, and then turned around to get in the car, without saying hello to Nie Qingru before leaving.

Nie Qingru watched helplessly as the black car drove past her and drove away!

(End of this chapter)

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