Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3264 Completely dumbfounded

Chapter 3264 Completely dumbfounded

"Empress, do you want to teach him a lesson?" Shadow appeared beside her at some point, looking in the direction the car was leaving, and asked in a low voice.

Nie Qingru suppressed the anger in her heart, got into the car with a blank face, and said coldly in the car: "He is Xie Tingyun's mentor, and he is inextricably linked with the Nan family of Independent Island. He is also a highly respected master , we don't need to turn against him over a trivial matter..."

She said so, but her heart was really blocked.

Shadow held the door for her, hesitated for a moment, looked at her and said, "Queen, what Mr. Auburn said about Miss Ji Qing's research on electromagnetic guns..."

Nie Qingru leaned on the car with her tense body like a twilight bow, lowered her eyes, and her dark eyebrows gave off a feeling of inhumanity.

After a while.

She said faintly: "I won't believe something without evidence!"

Shadow looked at her blankly: "But with the prestige of Mr. Auburn, he shouldn't lie..."

Nie Qingru supported her wide hat brim with her hands. She was graceful and elegant, but she was extremely stubborn about this matter: "If she had built the electromagnetic gun a long time ago, why didn't she tell me? She never said What has happened shows that it was not successful at all!"


"That old man in Auburn also said that Ji Qing showed him only 80% of the semi-finished product at that time, and it must have failed in the future."

In general, 80% of finished products are hard to fail.

But Shadow had seen her attitude, so he stopped talking and said considerately: "Queen, let me close the car door for you."

The black car door covered Nie Qingru's cold and proud face, and the black car drove past the shadow immediately...

Shadow stood on the spot and watched the rear of the car disappear from his field of vision, and then he gathered his mood and walked to the exhibition hall.

Qi Shao is still inside.

The queen left Qi Shao and left, he couldn't ignore it.


"how come?"

"Why is this the result?"

"This is impossible."

It's been a while since Qiao Nian and the others' results came out, but Li Xin still stood there blankly in disbelief, muttering about the impossibility in his mouth.

He couldn't even look at the bearded man beside him, and slapped him on the back trying to wake him up: "The result has come out. They did take the first place on the 18th!"

Li Xin mechanically turned his head to look at him, and said, "They won the first place?"

The bearded man frowned, and woke him up in a cold voice: "Li Xin, it's pointless for you to keep entangled like this. Manly man, if you lose, you lose! They didn't tell you to kneel or something... just tell them Sorry, then do whatever you want."

When Li Xin made the bet at the beginning, he didn't give Qiao Nian any leeway. He was sure that he would win, so he opened his mouth and asked Qiao Nian to kneel down and admit his mistake.

Compared with the conditions he proposed, Qiao Nianti's conditions are not harsh.

So now that he loses, no one will sympathize with him.

Li Xin's face was ashen, and he waved away the bearded man beside him in a huge reaction, and said viciously, "Why should I apologize?! I..."

The bearded man was caught off guard by him and staggered. Seeing that he couldn't afford to lose, he immediately shook his hand and left: "It's up to you!"

"Don't go!" Li Xin yelled in panic when he saw that he was about to leave.

It's a pity that the bearded man didn't have any intention of staying, and he walked away without looking back, leaving him alone in place.

(End of this chapter)

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