Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3272 Keep an eye on Qixing these days, don't let him cause trouble for me

Chapter 3272 Keep an eye on Qixing these days, don't let him cause trouble for me

"Oh?" Nie Qingruo stopped and looked at him with a playful expression: "You want to deal with Qiao Nian with me?"

"Yes." Mr. Xue looked at her staring at him with half a smile but not a smile, always behaved very decently and calmly.

Nie Qingru gradually retracted the ridicule from the corners of her eyes, and asked unhappily: "Why? You have a good relationship with her."

Old Xue frowned and tightened the corners of his mouth: "Because she affected the reputation of the Hermit Family."

"Oh? Just for this?" Nie Qingru didn't quite believe it.

Mr. Xue stood up and looked at her very frankly, and said in a deep voice: "Queen, there are many contradictions within the Hermit family, but we are a whole to the outside world. I don't want anyone to shake the foundation of the family. This is also my principle and principle." Bottom line!"

It was clear what he meant.

The existence of Qiao Nian has already begun to shake the foundation of the Hermit Family, which is something he doesn't want to see.

Nie Qingru probably understood what he meant, and finally turned around and gave him a straight look: "How are you going to deal with her?"

"My idea is..." Mr. Xue naturally brought a way to discuss with her when he came here this time, so he told Nie Qingru his thoughts and everything.

After hearing what he said, Nie Qingru did not immediately express whether this method is feasible, but showed a pensive expression: "Let me think about it first."

"Yes." Mr. Xue was not in a hurry, and picked up the tea in his hand.

He slowly blew away the froth on the top, watched the tea leaves in the porcelain white cup sink and sink, as if thinking of the girl's rebellious face, he finally sighed and lowered his head to take a sip of water.

Nie Qingru thought for 10 minutes, but still couldn't give him an answer immediately, so she said to him with deep eyes: "Go back first, I will discuss it with you after I think about it."

Mr. Xue also came for a long time, got up tactfully, and stopped disturbing her: "Then I will go back first, empress."

"Go." Nie Qingru calmed down and gave him a good look.

The butler came over and made a 'please' gesture respectfully.

Old Xue followed him and left here first.

After they left, the others didn't dare to disturb Nie Qingru, and the servants all quietly finished the work at hand and walked away.

In the living room of the villa, only Nie Qingru was left sitting on the sofa, picked up the indoor phone with a well-maintained hand, and dialed a number to go out.

The other end is connected in seconds.

Nie Qingru put the receiver to her ear, and without waiting for the person over there to speak, she ordered in a low voice, "Keep an eye on Qixing these few days!"

"... Before Qiao Nian leaves, don't give him the chance to go out alone. I don't have time to wipe his butt every day!"

"Yes, Queen."

Shadow is as loyal as ever.

Nie Qingru was a little relieved, and put the phone back, and it was about to hang up... She took it back after a pause, and said in a low voice, "Help me find a time to make an appointment with Master Cheng."

The queen offered to become a master?
What does the Queen ask Master Cheng to do?
Shadow couldn't figure it out, but he didn't dare to disobey her order: "...Yes."

Nie Qingru hung up the phone straightforwardly this time.


Originally, Master Cheng made an appointment for everyone to have a simple celebration banquet at noon, but there were too many media interviews, so he couldn't find the time in the end.

The celebration banquet was changed from noon to the next night.

As a result, Master Cheng received an invitation from Nie Qingru at noon the next day, and wanted to meet him.

He definitely wanted to discuss this kind of matter with Qiao Nian and Ye Fanchuan, so he came to Qiao Nian immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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