Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3273 Delusion: Her air conditioner is good here

Chapter 3273 Delusion: Her air conditioner is good here

He definitely wanted to discuss this kind of matter with Qiao Nian and Ye Fanchuan, so he came to Qiao Nian immediately.

It's not that he didn't look for Ye Fanchuan, but after these few days, Master Cheng also understood that everyone was running to Qiao Nian's room.

Going to their respective rooms may not be able to find people, but looking for them in Qiao Nian's room, most of these people are there.

So Master Cheng didn't bother to bother, and went directly to Qiao Nian's room to find someone every time.

"Knock knock."

He knocked twice on the door.

Soon, footsteps were heard from inside.


Immediately after the door opened, Master Cheng was not surprised to see Qin Si's face come into view, and then passed over his shoulder, and immediately saw Bo Zheng, Luo Qing, and the leisurely master inside.

Master Cheng was speechless, coughed twice, and said to the people blocking the door: "I'm looking for Qiao Nian."

"Ah, I'm looking for sister Qiao." Qin Si stepped aside to get out of the way, and said with a smile: "She went out to get takeaway, and she will be right back. Master Cheng, please come in first."

Needless to say, Master Cheng has already walked in.

Seeing a large group of people from Ulala in the hotel room, he couldn't help but ask the person who closed the door behind him: "Why do you have so many people asking a girl to go out to get takeaway?"

What he meant was that this large group of people were all old men, and it turned out to be the only girl who went out to get takeaway by herself in the end, which was somewhat inappropriate.

Who knew that Qin Si followed behind, touched his nose, and said bluntly, "She insists on going."

"Young Master Qin, it's not that you talk too much! Ever since you came in, you've been buzzing beside Ms. Qiao, and Ms. Qiao couldn't bear it anymore and went out to get some air." Luo Qing revealed his shortcomings in a rather straightforward manner, almost without face. Not to stay.

Qin Si immediately blew his beard and stared, and looked around the room unwillingly: "Is it because of me alone? Why don't you all come here!"

Instead, he would file a complaint, and asked back: "By the way, you don't have a room of your own, why are you all running to Sister Qiao's room?"

Bo Zheng was picking up a piece of draft paper that Qiao Nian didn't want on the table to read. Hearing this, he raised his head and said slowly, "Luo Qing and I are here to discuss with her when to go back."

Qin Si noticed the man sitting on the lazy sofa with a magazine on his lap, who seemed to be the most idle man: "Master came here to ask back?"


Ye Wangchuan didn't expect that he would ask himself, his eyelashes slightly raised, his deep eyes caught a glimpse of him, and his tone was lazy: "No."

"Then you are..." Qin Si couldn't wait to ask as if he had caught his braid.

Ye Wangchuan leaned back lazily, very magnanimous...shameless: "Her air conditioner is good here."

Qin Si didn't expect that he could give such a nonsense reason, and his face was full of contempt—the wife is too shameless!How could he say such shameless words with a calm expression on his face, as if it was true.

"What about you? What are you doing here?" Ye Wangchuan didn't give him a chance to refute, and he spoke concisely, directly hitting the soul.

Qin Si turned around, and the question came back to him.

He couldn't answer it himself: "Just... just come... come and have a look."

Ye Wangchuan raised his frivolous eyelids, and spoke extremely sharply: "So it's superfluous for you to be alone in this room!"

"..." Feeling that he has a legitimate reason for coming to rub against the air conditioner?

Qin Si dared to think about it in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out of his mouth, lest his face hurt after being cleaned up, so he closed his mouth angrily and shut himself up.

(End of this chapter)

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