Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3287 The good show has just begun

Chapter 3287 The good show has just begun

"..." Nie Qingru stared at him fiercely with a layer of frost on her face.

If Quentin was afraid of her, he wouldn't have been standing in the neutral camp for so many years: "The Hermit family is indeed the supreme power, but don't forget that the Privy Council has the right to supervise. Even the queen has to accept the supervision of the Privy Council! The Hermit family Nor is it your property alone."

Of course Nie Qingru understood that the hidden family represented the interests of hundreds of families.

Seeing that the people in the council hall started talking again, she had to take a step back and said, "I will give you an explanation."

It was not a big deal for Nie Qixing to be exposed to raising a woman in private this time.

But the problem is that he not only lost the No. 1 that country M has occupied all the year round at the weapons exhibition, but was also found going in and out of the hotel where the woman was staying during the weapons exhibition...

People have to think about whether he is a plaything and loses his mind, which is useless!
This kind of scandal is comparable to such scandals as illegally owning laboratories and participating in gray business clubs, etc., at least accurately hitting the seven inches of Nie Qixing's succession to her position.

The scandal caused by Nie Qixing before was enough to make these people dissatisfied.

If it weren't for her desperately suppressing the news of Nie Qixing's disability during this time, she said that Nie Qixing's eyes and legs might recover...

Otherwise, the Privy Council might have turned their backs.

Right now, Nie Qixing is making another scandal about raising a woman during the weapons exhibition...Nie Qingru could not help raising his hand to press the center of his eyebrows as his temples throbbed.

Almost at the same time, he thought of the person behind the scenes - Qiao Nian!
She knew that this evil person would not be peaceful, and would definitely take revenge on herself immediately.


She didn't expect it.

Fortunately, whether this matter is big or small, as long as the woman is found out and dealt with, an explanation can be given to the Privy Council.

"Nie Qingru has already come out of the Privy Council, and there is a high probability that he will immediately deal with the people in the hotel and clean up for Nie Qixing."

Ye Wangchuan asked people to keep an eye on every move over there, so of course he could receive news as soon as possible.

As soon as Nie Qingru's car left the Privy Council, he knew it right away in the hotel.

The girl is sitting on a chair with the brim of her hat pressed down, and she is still turning the pen in her hand. The black water-based pen is turning flexibly at her fingertips, which is quite melancholy.

"This is just the beginning."

What she wanted was Nie Qingru to make a choice.

Which one do you want for Nie Qixing and her future of fame?
Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, knowing her very well: "Do you want Gu San to remind Nie Qixing?"

The water-based pen in Qiao Nian's hand just fell on the table, and she seemed to be tired of playing, she leaned her head back: "Well, let me remind you."

"OK." Ye Wangchuan sent a message to Gu San, asking him to remind Nie Qixing that Nie Qingru will go to the hotel to find someone soon.

Then he naturally bent down to pick up the pen on the table for the girl, and put it back into the pen holder. His eyes were deep, and the girl's cold face was reflected in it.

"Have you thought it through this time?"

Qiao Nian raised her head subconsciously, just in time to meet his deep eyes, and immediately understood what he had thought about: "Thought it out."

She leaned on the back of the chair, her body was very relaxed, but her eyes were like a cold pool that could not be melted, covered with a light mist: "I gave him a chance, he wanted to die by himself, the only way is to fulfill him!"

She will not let Nie Qixing go this time.

After all, Nie Qixing courted death again and again.

She has to see now, if the same situation happens again, whether the younger brother is more important or the daughter is more important, or in the hearts of these people, only herself is always the most important!

(End of this chapter)

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