Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3288 I only know regret now, it's too late

Chapter 3288 I only know regret now, it's too late
at the same time.

In the presidential suite of the hotel where the slender waist was squatting before, Zhou Zheng received a mysterious call and walked back quickly.

The presidential suite is very large, and the interior decoration is very luxurious, with cashmere carpets everywhere. In the corner of the brown leather sofa, he saw Nie Qixing sitting in a wheelchair and didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhou Zheng didn't dare to look too much, walked over, lowered his head and said, "Young Master Qi, someone called me just now and said that your sister is coming towards us."

"What?" Nie Qixing looked up at him.

It was only then that Zhou Zheng noticed that the swollen five finger marks on his left face hadn't disappeared, and it was obvious that someone had slapped him on the face.

He didn't dare to look any further, and immediately lowered his head: "...the empress probably knows about it."

He didn't say it outright.

But it is also equivalent to bluntly speaking.

Nie Qing came to her door like a rush, what else could she know?They must have known that they hid a woman here!

Zhou Zheng was afraid of being dragged into it, so he gritted his teeth and raised his head: "Young Master Qi, how about...I mean, why don't we hand over the person to the Queen. It's just a woman, and we don't need to fight against the Queen because of her anger." , it’s not worth it.”

"What do you know?" Nie Qixing said immediately.

"..." Zhou Zheng moved his lips, but still didn't dare to argue with him.

He really didn't understand what Qi Shao meant?
Could it be that the queen has come to find him, and he still wants to hide her?

Zhou Zheng was still thinking about it, when he heard Nie Qixing's decision after a moment of contemplation: "Take him away immediately and hide him, no matter who comes to you, you are not allowed to hand him over. Do you understand?"

"Qi Shao?" Zhou Zheng was surprised and puzzled, not understanding why he wanted to hide someone when he said that.

Nie Qixing did not explain too much, and lowered his voice very seriously: "If you still want to live, do as I say!"

Zhou Zheng still stood still.

Mainly because I was surprised when Nie Qixing said 'I still want to live', is this so serious?
"Why don't you do it?" Seeing that he was standing still, Nie Qixing glanced at him upset, and could see the fear that could not be hidden on his face.

Nie Qixing took a deep breath, and said as calmly as possible: "As long as you hide the person well, nothing will happen."

Now Zhou Zheng and him are like grasshoppers tied to the same boat. Even if he regretted it to death, it is impossible to get off the boat, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I will transfer people away immediately."

"Go." Nie Qixing raised his hand, exhausted.

Zhou Zheng stopped after taking two steps, and turned around: "Young Master Qi, I still don't understand one thing. Why can't we hand over the person to the Queen? This is State M, wouldn't it be better to hand over the person to the Queen?"

Nie Qixing was wondering who was the one who 'tipped off the news' to Zhou Zheng. When he heard him asking himself, he looked over, but he didn't answer directly, but said absent-mindedly: "You just need to know that if she sees that woman, she will I will definitely fly into a rage. In this case, I may not die, but you may not."

Zhou Zheng's whole body was stiff, a chill came up from the soles of his feet, his teeth chattered from the cold, and the look he looked at Nie Qixing was nothing but regret!

He is so sorry!
Why did he want to curry favor with Nie Qixing back then?

I knew he would never get on this boat!
It's all right now, if he doesn't get any benefits, his life will be lost!


With his own life at stake, Zhou Zheng was still very efficient in his work, and moved away the woman Nie Qixing was hiding before Nie Qingru brought someone to the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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