Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3307 Nie Qingru has made a decision

Chapter 3307 Nie Qingru has made a decision

He himself didn't know what was going on outside.

There was no pain anywhere on his body, but none of these could compare to the stinging pain from Nie Qingru's disappointed eyes when he looked at him in the hotel that day.

"The medicine has been changed, the patient should pay more attention to rest."

The doctor changed his medicine and gave him some advice.

Nie Qixing didn't respond, and even gave him a stingy look, as if these doctors and nurses were not worth his attention.

The doctor got used to his haughty attitude, and dutifully explained what he had to say, and then he and the nurse tidied up their things and opened the door to go out.

He ran into someone standing at the door of the ward.

The doctor was stunned for a moment, but still called out: "Ms. Nie."

Nie Qingru asked, "How is the person?"

The doctor knew that she was not young, and he didn't know who she was, and he didn't want to inquire, so he said politely: "The patient's body is improving, but the leg..."

"You said."

"His leg has been injured and has never healed. It is said that if he recovers properly, he may still be able to walk in the future."

"But he was injured again before he recovered, which made his leg disease worse. I don't know when he will recover. Even if he can... it won't be much better."

Nie Qingru knew from the very beginning that Nie Qixing's leg would be permanently disabled.

Experts said at the time that even the most optimistic outcome after rehabilitation is a slight lameness.

But now...

The meaning behind the doctor's words is very clear. No matter how hard Nie Qixing recovers in the future, he will be severely disabled. Like Lu Zhi, he may never be able to live without a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Her successor... can be a slight lame.

But if Nie Qixing is completely disabled...

Nie Qingru rubbed the space between her eyebrows, and waved for the doctor to leave first: "I see."

Doctors and nurses walk away pushing the therapy trolley.

Shadow faintly guessed her thoughts, his heart beat fast, and he opened his mouth and said: "Qi Shao is still young, these doctors are not good, there are always doctors who can."

This time Nie Qingru didn't answer, but opened the door silently and walked into the ward.

"Get out." Lying on the hospital bed, Nie Qixing thought it was a doctor coming in again, and yelled angrily with a cold face.

Then I heard the voice of the shadow: "Young Master Qi, it's the empress who came to see you."

Nie Qixing's dull eyes quickly focused, and when he saw the person in front of his hospital bed clearly, he was about to sit up: ""

Shadow couldn't bear to see it, and stepped forward to support him.

"Young Master Qi, be careful."


Nie Qixing was looking at Nie Qingru the whole time, and didn't even glance at him.

He didn't seem to expect Nie Qingru to come, he didn't know what to say for a moment, thought for a while and said: "The Privy Council didn't make things difficult for you."

Nie Qingru didn't know what to think, so she walked over and tucked the quilt for him, and said lightly, "No."

Nie Qixing could smell the incense from her body. The heavy sandalwood fragrance should belong to an elderly woman, but it gave him infinite charming fantasies.

He had been by Nie Qingru's side since he could remember. At first he thought he was her son, but later he realized that he was her younger brother.

Obviously...the younger brother is also a blood relative.

But he just had a twisted, inextricable fantasy.

"What happened to that woman?" Nie Qingru didn't seem to see anything, and asked suddenly after standing up straight again.

Nie Qixing's eyes tightened, and he looked up to see the traces of age that could not be concealed on her face, his eyes flickered: "Just... an ordinary woman."

(End of this chapter)

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