Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3308 You go first, I have a chapter to tell the queen

Chapter 3308 You go first, I have something to say to the queen

He grew up with Nie Qingru since he was a child, and he has an inexplicable and sinking dependence on his own sister.

But where the age difference is, he can't really accept the skin of this age.

After a long time, he accidentally found a photo of Nie Qingru when he was young.

He hid the photo and began to unconsciously look for prey based on the appearance of the people in the photo.

This incident was his greatest secret.

Almost no one knows.

He won't let anyone know either.

Once the woman is discovered, his secret is exposed.

That's why he couldn't give that woman to his sister.

Because once Uncle Ning and his sister saw that person, they would find out his dirty thoughts.

"Will you not hesitate to go to the hospital for an ordinary woman and not let me go?" Nie Qingru's voice could not be heard, and she was very calm: "I told you before, as my future successor, you can't tolerate the slightest bit Stain, any stain could be a reminder!"

Nie Qixing still didn't understand the seriousness of the matter, and thought that Nie Qingru was just teaching him a few words after the fact.

He said dejectedly, "I'm sorry, sister."

"..." Nie Qingru looked at him with secretive eyes, and didn't answer for a while.

Nie Qixing thought she was still angry, took another deep breath, and apologized to her: "I promise I won't make the same mistake again in the future."

"You are not in good health, don't be angry about my affairs."

The last sentence is his concern from the bottom of his heart.

Nie Qingru frowned slightly, looking at him with deeper eyes, after a long time, he bent down and patted Nie Qixing's shoulder lightly when the shadow was frightened.

"never mind."

Nie Qixing has been out of luck since he provoked Qiao Nian recently.

Nie Qingru hadn't been so kind to him for a long time, as if he was back in the past, he softly called out: "Sister, are you...don't be angry with me?"

Nie Qingru quickly withdrew her hand, showing no emotion, but her eyes softened, giving him a rare good look: "Rest early."

Nie Qixing's nervous mood also eased. Hearing this, he nodded and smiled at her: "You too."

Nie Qingru's sharp eyes paused on his face for a second, then turned around, and left the ward without looking back.

Shadow did not follow immediately, but as if sensing something, he looked back at the ignorant person on the hospital bed with heavy eyes.

"Young Master Qi..."


Nie Qixing received Nie Qingru's 'forgiveness', and he was in a good mood, and his tone was much lighter: "What's the matter, Uncle Ning."

Shadow looked at him as if he didn't know anything, his lips were extremely heavy, his throat seemed to be blocked with a ball of cotton, and he couldn't open his mouth no matter what.

His eyes gradually turned red.

Nie Qixing looked strange, and was about to open his mouth to ask him, "Uncle Ning..."

Nie Qingru's cold but forceful tone came from outside: "Shadow, what are you still doing inside?"

Shadow trembled all over, and looked outside.

He knew that he couldn't stay any longer, and he couldn't reveal a word to Nie Qixing. After a brief struggle, he still walked out of the ward with heavy steps.


outside the hospital.

Shadow didn't know what kind of mood he followed out of the hospital and came to the parking lot.

He watched as the driver opened the car door for the graceful and luxurious man.

Nie Qingru was about to get in the car.

He pinched the palms of his hands, but still couldn't hold back, and said to the driver: "Go away first, I want to have a few words with the empress alone."

(End of this chapter)

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