Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3330 Deserves it, isolated!

When the group got out of the elevator, they immediately saw an old man in blue shirt standing in the lobby, and beside him were two straight, naked bodyguards.

The two bodyguards stood there, making people feel oppressed without extra movements.

"That person..." Yu Wenhao slowed down.

Jiang Tianzhi also saw the very eye-catching old man in the middle of the hall, who was much more stable than him, and said, "Let's go our own way and leave him alone."

From the looks of this person, they are not in the circle they usually come into contact with. As long as they don't take the initiative to provoke them, the other party should not pay attention to them.

Yu Wenhao heard his voice, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He was walking out with Jiang Tianzhi and his party in silence.

When passing the old man in the middle of the hall, the other party suddenly spoke to him: "Excuse me, did you see Qiao Nian?"

It was Qiao Nian... Yu Wenhao felt that the other party was after Qiao Nian early in the morning, but when he heard the other party asking himself, he was still taken aback for a moment.

At this time, several pairs of eyes fell on him, especially the eyes of the old man did not look fierce, but rather peaceful.

He adjusted his breathing, raised his eyes and said, "She's probably still upstairs in the ward."

Jiang Tianzhi frowned, looking at Yu Wenhao with some disapproval.

Yu Wenhao pretended not to see it, and said to the old man, "Do you have anything to do with her? How about I call her for you."

The old man in blue gave him a surprised look: "You know her...very well?"

He knew Qiao Nian well. Apart from being familiar with his friends, he was generally indifferent to others, not difficult to get along with, but not very social.

Seeing that Yu Wenhao could call Qiao Nian directly, he thought that Yu Wenhao and Qiao Nian had a good relationship in private.

Yu Wenhao was a little embarrassed when asked, and said embarrassingly: "I'm not very familiar... just know each other."

Mr. Xue thought he was being polite and was about to speak.

The elevator door not far ahead opened.

A girl in a T-shirt and a peaked cap came out of the elevator and walked towards them.

As soon as Xue Lao saw Qiao Nian coming down, he immediately forgot about Yu Wenhao, and immediately walked towards the girl.

Two bodyguards followed.

Yu Wenhao was the only one left in the place where he stood just now.

He seemed a little embarrassed, his face was flushed, and his neck was also red, and he watched the two of them meet.

Seeing that he was still standing there and refusing to leave, Jiang Tianzhi urged him: "Aren't you leaving?"

Yu Wenhao turned his head reluctantly: "I..."

Jiang Tianzhi couldn't understand his behavior of running to please the Hermit family just now, and said with a cold expression: "Everyone has to go back to pack your luggage. If you don't want to leave, just stay here alone, and we will go first."

He said it very bluntly!

No one from the Nine Institutes helped Yu Wenhao out.

Master Cheng was tricked by the people of the Hermit Family this time, and everyone felt uncomfortable, seeing that those people had no good looks.

But just now Yu Wenhao obviously wanted to flatter the other party, which made people feel very embarrassed!

Yu Wenhao also felt everyone's exclusion and indifference towards him, so he clenched his fist quietly, embarrassed to continue to stay here: "I want to go."

"Then go quickly."

Jiang Tianzhi didn't even look at him, turned around and led the way.

Others also filed out, and no one spoke to him.

Yu Wenhao felt more isolated.

He pursed his lips, turned his head and finally looked at Qiao Nian and Mr. Xue in the middle of the hall, and followed everyone unwillingly.

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