Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3331 Sister Nian: If you want, you can come and grab it

"I heard you're going back to the capital soon?" Old Xue didn't pay attention to the passers-by who stopped him just now, and asked Qiao Nian when he met him.

The girl was holding something in her hand and was playing with it. When she looked up and saw his anxious expression, she paused, smiled, and said casually, "You didn't come to me to ask me this, did you?"

Old Xue froze.

The last time he saw Qiao Nian was the day she left the Privy Council. Although Qiao Nian didn't talk much, she still treated her very well.

At least be polite and polite.

Today he clearly felt the girl's alienation, as if he was not familiar with him, just an ordinary stranger.

For a while, Mr. Xue couldn't adapt to the gap in the middle, and looked at her with a complicated expression: "Are you still angry about the phone calls and text messages I sent you before?"

His eyes were dimmed for a while, and he reluctantly said: "I have my position, but I hope you don't go the wrong way."

Seeing his expression, Qiao Nian seemed to let him continue.

Old Xue took a deep breath and sighed: "You are still young, and you will have unlimited possibilities in the future. You shouldn't be so radical, let alone go against the Hermit Family."

Qiao Nian could investigate the cause of Ji Qing's death, but what she showed now was that she wanted to find out the truth of the year regardless of the interests of the hidden family.

He couldn't accept this under any circumstances.

In his eyes, the interests of the hidden family are above all else, and Qiao Nian should be like this.

After all, she is a direct descendant of the Ji family and is inextricably linked with the hidden family.The Ji Family of Independent Continent and the Hidden World Family also belong to the same force, and everyone can make small troubles at ordinary times, but they should advance and retreat together in the face of common interests.

What Qiao Nian did... crossed the red line!

Mr. Xue looked at her again, seeing that she didn't speak, thinking that she was more or less listening, his eyes softened a little, and he persuaded her softly: "Is Zhou Zheng with you? You give Zhou Zheng to me, and I will help you." Communicate with the Queen."

"Nie Qixing is dead, and you have vented your anger for Master Cheng. You are still young, and you may not understand the importance of keeping a front line in everything."

What he meant was that Master Cheng had been sent back to Beijing.

Nie Qixing was gone too.

Then Zhou Zheng, the person who executes it, let it go, at least everyone will look good, and there will be no chaos.

Qiao Nian came back to his senses and finally took a look at him. Zhang Yang's eyes fell on his face, and he sneered, "You're looking for me for Zhou Zheng?"

Xue Lao gave a meal.

Then I heard the girl's casual and indifferent tone: "Is it you looking for me, or Nie Qingru looking for me?"

Old Xue frowned, as if he didn't expect her to be so direct, almost without giving himself any face: "Qiao Nian, I'm here for you."

He personally appreciates the direct descendant of the Ji family, who is talented, capable and temperamental, and he also likes him.

as he said.

He didn't want Qiao Nian to go the wrong way.

At least he felt that he came here to save a genius who was about to go astray, not just for anyone.

Qiao Nian raised the corners of her eyes, and said more directly: "She is worried that Zhou Zheng and I will go back to the capital, and Nie Qixing will not be able to hide the good things he did?"

Nie Qingru made her own choice, sacrificing Nie Qixing for power.

Now the dust has settled.

She tried her best to take Zhou Zheng away and tried her best to keep Nie Qixing's reputation behind him.

The choice is theirs to make, and they have to be good people after the fact.

It's just... the style of a hermit family.

You can be hypocritical!
"Zhou Zheng, I won't give it to you, if you want, you can come and grab it."

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